2 Timothy 2:1-13 Questions 11-14

 11. a) Where are you in the process Paul describes in 2:2? 

This cell is one where all who participate are engaged in this great process of passing on a certain culture of discipleship :). Each one of us needs to strive to grow in the skills and knowledge needed to be effective in passing on the gospel, as well as other lessons of Christian life and ministry that we have learned.

I would ask what it means to be a 'faithful' man or woman. Are these individuals born or made? Winnie says they receive  faith as a gift - a work of the Spirit, but that they are also 'nurtured' - we must help create what we are trying to find.

 'Faith' is 'trust' or 'trusting dependence'. (we remember our brief excursus last week on the Protestant ideas of notitia, assentia and fiducia). The faithful one is a man or woman whose life is centered around complete trust in the Lord for salvation and all other matters. This is a wholly committed life that trusts in God's promises. Such an individual will display downstream characteristics of loyalty, consistency, dependability and endurance.

b) What might be your next step toward becoming a well-grounded believer, qualified to proclaim the gospel and train others to do so?

I need a more disciplined devotional life so I constantly serve out of fullness rather than empty duty. Faith should mean that I learn to find pleasures in the pleasures of God.

QY shared that it was difficult to train people to pass it on, as opposed to just teaching people truth.

12. In 2:1-13, what motivates you most to endure in serving Christ?
I see some motivations in this passage:
  • The grace of Christ strengthening us (v.1)
  • The reciprocal need to pass on what we have received (v.2)
  • The desire to please the Lord (v.4)
  • The aim for a reward after suffering (v.5, 6, 11-12)
  • To remember the truth of the gospel (v.8-10, 11 ): Christ is alive and is the Saviour of the world.
  • The understanding that suffering and sacrifice is a normal part of serving (v.3, 9-10)
  • The idea that there are 'elect' who will be saved to glory (v.10) 
  • The fear of eternal punishment (v.12-13)
13. What is Paul's overall message in 2:1-13? How does this passage relate to 1:1-18?

1:1-18 speaks of not being ashamed of the gospel and of guarding it. Now Paul says,  "Be prepared to suffer to pass on the gospel"/"Endure in sharing the gospel"

2:1-2     Be strengthened to pass on the gospel
2:2-6     Suffer like soldiers, athletes and farmers do.
2:7        A call to mental effort while relying on God's illumination
2:8-10   The content and power of the gospel to save
2:11-13 Encouragement and warning 
v.7 "everything" refers to "what I say", not "everything there is". There is a need for human effort because God grants understanding through this.  There is interplay of human responsibility and divine sovereignty. The verse is promise as well as command.  The "for"that connects the two means "because", rather than "as evidence of". It is because God illumines His Word that we are called to think and study it. It is not the other way round ("The Lord will give understanding because we think"). God is primary, we are secondary.

How do we learn to teach and train others to teach the gospel?

I think Paul's example is the best! He says in 3:10-11 "You, however, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness, 11 my persecutions and suffering". I take it from this that the best learning is through observation and modelling for others. Paul explicitly told his readers to imitate him (1 Co 11:1).

So we must humbly share our lives with others so that they grasp our external and internal character.

Joe mentioned these skills and methods: right handling of scripture, on the job training with a mature Christian, learning how to transmit skills as well as faith. 

Paul was Timothy's mentor. We are inspired by the gospel-centred life of others and desire to have it.

Selwyn says, "Know the Word, live the Word, Know the person". Paul wants Timothy to learn through these various means.


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