Study 15. Acts 6:1-8
14. It’s risky to decide that because something is done in Acts, we should do it today. However, does 6:1-7 have any lessons relevant to us? The need to be fair to all members in church, and to be seen to be fair. The need for those who teach and preach not to be distracted from their ministry The advisability to assign diferent duties to different people in church The need to pick good people for responsible positions in church. For Thought and Discussion: What does laying on of hands signify today? Impartation of the Spirit or of a spiritual gift , intercession in prayer. OT references include the commissioning of Joshua (Nu 27:23, Dt 34:9) and the blessing of Jacob (Gen 48:14) The NT speaks of laying hands for healing (as in Jesus' ministry, (Mk 16:18, 28:8) commisioning for ministry (6:6, 13:3, 1 Ti 4:14, 5:22; 2 Ti 1:6) and impartation of the Spirit (8:17-19, 9:12-17, 19:6) For Thought and Discussion: a. What qualities did the apostles require in the chosen seve...