
Showing posts from April, 2017

Study 2 ("The four calls of Jesus")

We noted at the beginning that the division of Christian life into four calls is not really theologically accurate.It is practically helpful to identify stages of Christian growth to help us understand our own state and to give us spiritual goals. It also may help church discipleship programmes and help us to pray for more individuals who can disciple others. However, there is a danger in thinking that we can be saved ("Jesus is my Saviour") without also being a disciple ("Jesus is my Lord"). So discipleship is never an option. The true Christian is a disciple,(a learner, a follower) of Christ is one who from the very beginning enthrones Him over all. Pastorally speaking, 2 Ti 2:19 tells us that we cannot judge quickly whether one who denies Christ by his actions and conduct is really lost. God alone knows, and yet those who belong to God will eventually show it by the quality of their lives. Scripture recognizes 2 calls of God on our lives. There is an external...