Study 5 ("Seeking the Lord")
We studied Luke 15, a chapter with 3 parables (The lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son). These parables have in common something that was lost, then found, followed by rejoicing. Jesus taught the parables in response to the charge by the scribes and Pharisees that He "received (= eagerly awaited", c.f. Lk 2:25, 2:38, 12:36). sinners and ate (= had fellowship, cf. Rev 3:20) with them. "Sinners" refers to those on the fringes of respectable society - the outcasts and despised because of their lifestyle. Tax collectors and prostitutes were the usual sinners of gospel times, but we should be looking at our own society and context to ask where we would find 'sinners' to identify with and seek to save. I mentioned that the story of Tony Campolo and the prostitute's birthday is worth reading ( The Kingdom of God is a party where we invite others to join in true joy and celebration! Jesus teaches in the parab...