QC and SG accountability (27/4/18)

Selwyn raised the apparent difficulty posed by Phil 2:12-13: are we saved by faith alone? Or by faith and works (as James 2:14ff also seems to suggest)? We affirm that we are indeed saved by faith alone (Rom 4:1ff), but not by a faith that "is alone" (i.e. the faith that truly saves must be manifested in works). This saving faith is living, not "dead". When Paul uses Abraham as the model of saving faith apart from works he goes to Abraham's trust in God's promise in Genesis 15. When James answers the question, "How do we know that we have saving faith?" he goes to Abraham's response to the call to sacrifice Isaac in Genesis 22. So Abraham's obedience was rooted in his saving faith. Phil 2:12-13 does not tell us to work for our salvation. The example of Christ in obedience is held as our example, then we are asked to work out our salvation, i.e. to let saving faith express itself in daily obedience to God's commands. Paul then immediatel...