QC and SG accountability (27/7/18)
We spoke again about the 1) reasonableness of Adam being our perfect representative, as well as 2) how it is that his sin can be imputed to us. We have alluded to this in a previous discussion last year (https://queensroadcell.blogspot.com/2017/01/qc-and-sg-accountability-13117.html). We also mentioned the alternate understanding of imputation of sin: "seminalism" as opposed to "federalism". The former takes the view that we were all represented by physical descent in Adam's loins, just as Levi was said to have paid tithes to Melchizedek via Abraham (Heb 7:9-10). Sin is described in the Bible both in terms of a falling short of God's glory (the visible radiance of His inner perfections, Rom 3:23) as well as a transgression of His perfect will as expressed in His law. Sin entered the world through Adam, but might have been said to exist because Satan fell after the original perfection of Creation (Gen 1:31) and could commit the evil of tempting man. Howev...