
Showing posts from July, 2018

QC and SG accountability (27/7/18)

We spoke again about the 1) reasonableness of Adam being our perfect representative, as well as 2) how it is that his sin can be imputed to us. We have alluded to this in a previous discussion last year ( We also mentioned the alternate understanding of imputation of sin: "seminalism" as opposed to "federalism". The former takes the view that we were all represented by physical descent in Adam's loins, just as Levi was said to have paid tithes to Melchizedek via Abraham (Heb 7:9-10). Sin is described in the Bible both in terms of a falling short of God's glory (the visible radiance of His inner perfections, Rom 3:23) as well as a transgression of His perfect will as expressed in His law. Sin entered the world through Adam, but might have been said to exist because Satan fell after the original perfection of Creation (Gen 1:31) and could commit the evil of tempting man. Howev...

Mission Trip Reflections (Joshua)

"I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing." This verse sums up my learning from my experience on my first ever mission trip to Surabaya. There are also some peripheral lessons along the way, but principally it seems to me that God is calling me to recognise that He is the source of all things, that a fruitful life and effective ministry is all of grace, and lastly, calling me to complete and utter dependence on Him. One of the songs that really spoke to me after come home from Surabaya is titled 'My Worth Is Not In What I Own', which talks about having our all in Him and being satisfied only in him, not finding our treasures in earthly things or achievements. There is a freedom that comes without the burden of comparison and competition that is rife in our kiasu society, a freedom that comes from believing the truth that Christ is all our worth and identity. If we b...

Study 21 "Principles of discipling"

The FFMC Disciplemaking Handbook (yes, we have one!) defines disciplemaking in the words of Edmund Chan as: "the process of bringing people into right relationship with God, and developing them to full maturity in Christ through intentional growth strategies, so hat they might multiply the entire process in others also" . Disciplemaking, then is the whole process from conversion to spiritual growth to maturity. Disciplemaking is the mission of the church (Matt 28:19-20) which every Christian, no matter how young a disciple, is called to participate in. We do this in different ways (e.g. evangelism, teaching/preaching), not necessarily in a way that involves walking alongside individuals.(c.f. 1 Cor 3:5, Jn 4:37) So when Ian Malins mentions spiritual maturity, commitment, relationship and spiritual formation as key factors applied to the lives of a few as the principles of discipling. I thought that the way he used 'discipling' was more akin to what we would call ...

Mission Trip Reflections

Reflections on Surabaya Mission Trip  9-19 June 2018 Key highlights: 9th - youth worship & programme 10th - Worship service @ Ekklesia Church 11th - Campus evangelism @ Petra University 12th - Campus evangelism @ Petra University  15th - Orphanage programme 16th - Campus ministry follow-up session  17th - Worship service @ Ekklesia Church, hearing Yapada’s testimony 18th - Equipping session for Christians studying in Petra Reflections: When you return from a trip and tell yourself that you have to write it down, it means that the journey really meant something to you. This was exactly how I felt about my trip to Surabaya. And to think that it almost did not happen! A month before takeoff, we heard news of terrorists attacking three Surabayan churches. Two weeks later, the parents of two group members refused to allow their sons to continue with the trip. On our first day at campus, we found out that campus ministry time would be limited ...