
Showing posts from January, 2019

QC and SG accountability

Selwyn asked how we reconcile the fact that in many places in the OT God says that some things are to be a "statute forever" with the fact that we are no longer required to keep the Mosaic law. We can answer this at different levels: It is clear that when Jesus says that , "until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."  (Mt 5:18) and just before that says (Mt 5:17) that he came to fulfill and not to abolish the law, that His idea of the permanence of the law is fulfilled in Himself. The law and promises point to the reality of Jesus (Heb 10:1). On another level we should consider what "forever" means in the Mosaic law. Very often the phrase "a statute forever" is said to apply "throughout your generations" or "to his offspring". This would imply that as long as an inheritable priesthood is in existence...

Paradigm 3: Mentoring the Foundation of Leadership (11/1/19)

We asked ourselves the question: What is leadership? I said this can be defined as speaking and acting (= influencing) others in order to achieve a goal. John Piper helpfully notes that in Christian leadership, 1) The goal is Biblical 2) the followers can come from any gender or ethnicity (i.e. they are potentially universal) and 3) the leader has a Christlike character. We also mentioned how a Christian leader would have a pastoral concern for the spiritual health of his/her followers Edmund Chan defines aspects of leadership as follows: Status (official position, title) Stature (how others view us, how we view ourselves) Substance (how God views us) We note that there are limitations to knowing what people think of us. We are even not always able to be good judges of our own state. We know some things about ourselves that others don't know about us (our secrets), things we don't know about ourselves that others know about us (our blind spots), things we know about ou...