QC and SG accountability (29/3/19)
Winnie shared about pastoral and practical issues in the Youth MInistry as it tries to evolve to survive and be more effective in its role. I noted how everyone loved being pastored and cared for by leaders but by nature were emotionally unready for any change, even if that change is intellectually perceived to be desirable! We continued discussion of some Christian clichés: 1. “Judge not, that you be not judged” This is a very Biblical statement – it comes from the lips of Jesus! (Mt 7:1). It is often used as a reason for not making a statement about someone’s morality. ‘Judgement’ is withheld (or at least, unspoken), and this makes us seem very spiritual. Clearly Jesus does not intend for us to not exercise discernment between what is good and worthy and what is evil and unworthy. A few verses down (Mt 7:6) He tells us to identify ‘dogs’ and ‘pigs’ and to withhold spiritual treasures from them, and this would be impossible witho...