
Showing posts from November, 2019

Paradigm 18: Leading with traction (29/11/19)

Edmund Chan says here that "leadership is a process, not an event". Failure to understand due process is a reason for ineffective leadership - leadership without traction (= pulling ability). He gives 7 processes in visionary leadership: 1. Leadership by rhetoric - communicating the vision. 2. Leadership by equipping - telling followers not only what to do, but why and how it can be done. 3. Leadership by example - followers need to see vision being modeled by their leaders. The latter must lead by example, not by exhortation. 4. Leadership by mobilization. We must lead people to change - refusing to settle for agreement, but moving on to involvement and resonance. 5. Leadership by infrastructuring. This is the difficult task of decentralizing authority into smaller groups and assigning responsibility to their leaders to get everyone involved. 6. Leadership by encouragement. We point people to God, who is great, and who acts on our behalf. 7. Leadership by empo...

Isaiah 11:1-12:1 "All Is Not Lost"

I would like to thank the pastors for this opportunity to preach the Word today. If we believe what Hebrews 4:12 tells us, that the Word of God is living and active, and is like a sword that is able to cut through our defences and pretensions and convict us deeply, then let us pray together for both Word and Spirit to bring illumination, instruction and invigoration into our lives today. Pray Recap: a string of judgements, and a bleak outlook, yet at the end of chapter 10 there is promise of relief for God’s remnant people, and this theme is then continued in chapter 11. In our scripture passage today you will see a lot of contrasts, a lot of opposites, and I want us to pay careful attention to these words because if we dig deep enough we will begin to uncover meaning that would have escaped us with only a casual glance, meaning that the Holy Spirit would reveal to us in order to make us better disciples as doers of the Word. Chapter 11 begins with some...