Paradigm 21: Disciplehsip and Transformation
To recap the lessons of Paradigm 20 we covered 2 weeks ago: Success is fulfilling one's purpose. The purpose of a disciple is fruit bearing. Fruit bearing comprises inner transformation and outer multiplication. In this chapter Edmund Chan emphasizes that the strategy of God is multiplication rather than addition. He quotes OT scripture to back up this point, then says that transformation must precede multiplication. Discipleship must not be head knowledge alone, but 'complete transformation'. Transformation of personal and public life is God's goal. What is the difference between spiritual addition and spiritual multiplication? In the latter, teaching and modelling of life is imparted to others who impart to others also (2 Ti 2:2) - an exponential growth, rather than having one person teach and model Why must there by multiplication with transformation? Both are inseparable parts of fruitfulness. Because we reproduce only after our own kind (Gal 6:7, M...