2 Timothy 2:1-13 Questions 1-3

1. What is Paul's overall point in the passage? (i.e. what is he talking about?). Why does he say this point here? "Be strengthened to suffer for the gospel". "Strengthened by Christ, continue working hard for the gospel" "Be strengthened, share in suffering, endure everything" " Work hard and persevere for the gospel." "Do not be afraid to suffer for the gospel" Why does Paul raise this point here. He has talked about guarding the gospel and not being ashamed of it earlier. He will later talk about the spiritual qualities of those who are faithful in living for the gospel. Timothy is called to suffer (v.3) as Paul suffers (v.9) and to endure (v.1) as Paul endures (v.10) 2. In 1:15-18, Paul describes the actions of some Christians. Many have deserted him, but not Onesiphorus. Why do you think Paul inserted these comments and prayer between 1:1-14 and 2:1-13? Paul talked about those who were ashamed and not ashamed of the gospel,...