2 Timothy 2:1-13 Questions 11-14

11. a) Where are you in the process Paul describes in 2:2? This cell is one where all who participate are engaged in this great process of passing on a certain culture of discipleship :). Each one of us needs to strive to grow in the skills and knowledge needed to be effective in passing on the gospel, as well as other lessons of Christian life and ministry that we have learned. I would ask what it means to be a 'faithful' man or woman. Are these individuals born or made? Winnie says they receive faith as a gift - a work of the Spirit, but that they are also 'nurtured' - we must help create what we are trying to find. 'Faith' is 'trust' or 'trusting dependence'. (we remember our brief excursus last week on the Protestant ideas of notitia , assentia and fiducia ). The faithful one is a man or woman whose life is centered around complete trust in the Lord for salvation and all other matters. This is a wholly committed life that trusts in God...