2 Tim 2:14-26 (Question 11), QC and SG accountability
11. How would you summarize 2 Tim 2:14-26? Just to recap: 1:1-18 speaks of not being ashamed of the gospel and of guarding it. 2:1-13 speaks of being prepared to suffer to pass on the gospel"/"endure in sharing the gospel" 2:14-26 encourages Timothy to be an "approved worker" and a "vessel for honorable use" as the Lord's servant. There is a shift from the charge to guarding and suffering for the gospel to living a life worthy of the gospel . There are behaviours to follow and behaviours to avoid. If you remember, we were asking if "faithful men, who will be able to teach others also" (2 Ti 2:2) are born or made. Who are these 'faithful men'? We said a few months ago that the verse can be paraphrased: "teach trustworthy people to teach others" "teach those who can teach so that others may be taught" "teach reliable people who won't change the message" "Faithful" here mea...