2 Timothy 3:1-9
We will cover questions 9 and 10 of the chapter on 2 Ti 3:1-9. The questions are: 9. a) Does 3:1-9 offer any warnings you think you should take to heart? If so, what are those warnings? Are there any promises? N ote 2 things Paul asks Timothy to do. "Understand" (v.1) or "take note of" the fact that th ere are difficult times ahead because of the character of so-called Christians. "Avoid" (v.5) 'these people. Because: they deceive vulnerable believers - they are engaging in evil practice they "oppose the truth" - they are an offence against God. they are “corrupted in mind” and disqualified regarding the faith” - they are not true Christians and associating with them will give others the wrong impression of our faith. "their folly will be plain to all" - so we should not get tainted with their reputation. This is a promise as well that their influence will be limited. b) Is there anything you plan to do, or ask God to do, abou...