
Showing posts from March, 2021

2 Timothy 3:1-9

 We will cover questions 9 and 10 of the chapter on 2 Ti 3:1-9. The questions are: 9. a) Does 3:1-9 offer any warnings you think you should take to heart? If so, what are those warnings?  Are there any promises?  N ote 2 things Paul asks Timothy to do. "Understand" (v.1) or "take note of" the fact that th ere are difficult times ahead because of the character of so-called Christians. "Avoid" (v.5) 'these people. Because: they deceive vulnerable believers - they are engaging in evil practice they "oppose the truth" - they are an offence against God.  they are “corrupted in mind” and disqualified regarding the faith”  - they are not true Christians and associating with them will give others the wrong impression of our faith. "their folly will be plain to all" - so we should not get tainted with their reputation. This is a promise as well that their influence will be limited. b) Is there anything you plan to do, or ask God to do, abou...

2 Timothy 3:1-9 Question 7-8; QC and SG accountability

 7. These people make their livings but exploiting the weaknesses of a certain kind of woman. Verses 6-7 describe such a woman's character. How would you paraphrase that description? 'weak willed': Literally 'weak'   Easily influenced, no convictions. Always changing their minds.unable to say ‘no’. 'loaded down with sins' ; have a bad conscience about many matters - their hearts are always condemning them so they are never at peace. 'swayed by all kinds of evil desires': unable to contro l their fleshly appetites 'always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth' : always looking for the newest fad or teaching, so that they don't have to deal with their refusal to live their lives according to basic truths Are women weaker than men? In some ways .   "Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so tha...

2 Timothy 3:1-9 (Question 5-6)

5. What is the power of godliness (v.5)? Power refers to the present, effective working of God in and through the lives of believers. It encompasses the Holy Spirit's work in purification, unification, revelation and empowerment. We are given new life and the sustaining power to live out that new life in victory against the world, the flesh and the devil. We are fruitful (Gal 2:22-23), authentic p, sensitive to God’s leading, desiring God’s will and word and teaching with moral authority   'Christlikeness' is a good summary of what godliness is. He not only ministered to others with power, but also lived a sinless life. What power that must have taken - to face the full strength of temptations and to overcome them. 6. What does having a form of godliness but denying its power tell you about the kind of religion the depraved ones practice? What is to 'deny' the power of godliness? It may mean that one says that 'such a thing does not exist' or to reject its t...