2 Tim 3:10-17 Side Questions and QC
"and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus" (v.15). How does Scripture help us toward being saved? Both OT and NT comprise 'special revelation'. They contain the truths about God's redemption that are used by the Holy Spirit to save an individual. "Special revelation is rooted in the redemptive plan of God, is addressed to man as sinner, can be properly understood and appropriated only by faith, and serves the purpose of securing the end for which man was created in spite of the disturbance wrought by sin. In view of the eternal plan of redemption it should be said that this special revelation did not come in as an after-thought, but was in the mind of God from the very beginning...It is a knowledge that is not rationally demonstrable but must be accepted by faith." (Berkhof) In contrast, 'general revelation' is a "revelation of t...