2 Timothy 4:1-8 Questions 3-5 and QC
3. In 4:1, Paul gives an incentive for these exhortations (4:2,5). How is this verse an incentive? The exhortation is to keep God in mind - His reality and presence, our accountability to Him and His coming. In is in the light of this that all other exhortations become meaningful. 4. Why must Timothy preach patiently and sometimes reprovingly (4:2-4)? "With complete patience" implies that people will be slow to respond they way they should. "Reprove, rebuke and exhort" implies that they will incline to do wrong instead of right. In particular, because ("For" v.3) people: will not endure sound teaching, since the truth of God is often difficult for humans to accept (e,g, the doctrine of original sin, the sovereignty of God) and because that truth calls us to change our behaviour. but will have itching ears, desiring new stimulus (cf. 3:7). We scratch itches, but the itch often returns. and so accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own pass...