
Showing posts from June, 2021

2 Timothy 4:1-8 Questions 3-5 and QC

  3. In 4:1, Paul gives an incentive for these exhortations (4:2,5). How is this verse an incentive?  The exhortation is to keep God in mind - His reality and presence, our accountability to Him and His coming. In is in the light of this that all other exhortations become meaningful. 4. Why must Timothy preach patiently and sometimes reprovingly (4:2-4)? "With complete patience" implies that people will be slow to respond they way they should. "Reprove, rebuke and exhort" implies that they will incline to do wrong instead of right. In particular, because ("For" v.3) people: will not endure sound teaching, since the truth of God is often difficult for humans to accept (e,g, the doctrine of original sin, the sovereignty of God) and because that truth calls us to change our behaviour. but will have itching ears,  desiring new stimulus (cf. 3:7). We scratch itches, but the itch often returns. and so accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own pass...

2 Timothy 4:1-8. Questions 1-2

1. How does 4:1-8 relate to what Paul has been saying in chapters 1-3?    See the solemn way Paul introduces the charge to Timothy: " In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom" (v.1). cf. 1 Tim 5:21: " In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality." Paul is saying to Timothy. "You must do this" If we could compel obedience from someone - to have it so that our wishes were fulfilled by that person, what would we ask? For Paul, it was all about the gospel. What is the meaning of the charge? "in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus" - the ultimate witness, not man. It is a righteous request. "who is to judge the living and the dead" - the ultimate judge of Timothy's actions and worth. It  alludes to the supreme authority of the One before whom ...

2 Tim 3:10-17 Questions 9-11

9. a. Paul lists 5 ways in which "God-breathed" Scripture is useful to us (3:15-16). Explain each in your own words. giving "wisdom that leads us to salvation" - this is to teach us truth about why we need to be saved and how were are to be saved. It leads us to faith in Christ to justify, sanctify and glorify us. teaching - to tell us positive spiritual truth/doctrine. It guides and educates us about the character and requirements of God. rebuking - to test or convict us of negative spiritual error (c.f. Heb 11:1 'conviction'). Scripture correcting - (found only here in the NT) to stop us from sin and to restore us to a right state. training in righteousness - to lead us to godly behaviour. This is also a summary statement of how we become Christlike. b. What is the ultimate goal of using Scripture for these purposes? (3:17) " that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." The phrase "man of God" has a technical me...