
Showing posts from September, 2021

24/9/21 Ecclessiastes Study 2: overview

 This week we will continue our overview of the book, remembering that: Ecclesiastes, as a 'wisdom' book, teaches us about the fear of the Lord. Qoheleth approaches this topic by making the difficult observations and asking the hard questions about life. The book teaches us that life is hard and can be meaningless and unpredictable, but we can still trust in God's power and provision.    1. As you go through the book, how do you think Ecclesiastes contributes to your understanding of  God? God has given people an unhappy life (1:13) " t is an unhappy business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with" God has given ability for us to enjoy some parts of life (2:24) " There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment [ c ] in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, 25  for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?" God rewards those who please Him, and punishes sinners by gi...

17/9/21 Ecclesiastes Study 1: overview

 We start our study of Ecclesiastes today! In this introductory session, we have asked ourselves: Am I an optimist or a pessimist? We generally felt that it was somewhat too simplistic to categorize ourselves as optimists or pessimists. We felt that we might have characteristics of both at different times in our lives, or at different times of our lives. T here is no doubt the writer of Ecclesiastes was a pessimist. Even his positive statements (e.g. 2:10, 24; 5:18-20) are enveloped in some sense of resignation that joy is not ultimate. He speaks as if to say. "Make the best out of a bad situation" rather than telling people to 'go out' and  'live life to the fullest'.   I asked if it was possible to be a faithful Christian and a pessimist. I said that Ecclesiastes affirms that expectation of little in this life is fine. We know 2. Who wrote Ecclesiastes? What was his purpose?   The book is named after the writer (Gk. Ekkleiastes ). This individual is ...

Visit to Baby Elizabeth (10/9/21)

 We visitied Selwyn and Mei Jing's home!