Study 44. Luke 19:45 - 20:8. 26/1/24
1. Exactly what was Jesus denouncing 19:45-48? Think about Luke 19:46. In your own words, explain what Jesus found wrong with the religion being practiced at the temple. All four Gospels speak of Jesus driving traders out of the temple precincts, but the first three place it at the end of Jesus’ ministry and John at the beginning. There were probably two cleansings. ... The traders would have been in the court of the Gentiles, the only place Gentiles could go to pray. (Morris). - hence Jesus' emphasis on the 'all nations' in His denunciation. The first cleansing would have been a warning; the second, a final judgment. For those involved, the Temple existed purely for commercial purposes - there was no reverence involved. Their activities hindered true worship and distracted true worshippers. And the religious establishment condoned this. They likewise had no concern about the true meaning of the Temple. How was Jesus' action different from the political p...