Study 51. Luke 22:31-62

12 a. What do you learn from chapter 22 about Satan's plan for... Jesus (22:3-6) His b etrayal (cf. Jn 13:2, 27) But contrast Satan's actions at the Temptation (4:1-13). There has been a change of strategy: if the Son of God can be persuaded to avoid the Cross and submit to him, He should be made to do so. Now, when it is clear that Jesus will not submit and is destroying his work (10:18, 11:18, 13:16), Satan determnines to destroy His ministry. Did Satan know what would happen at the Cross? Through Peter Satan tried to dissuade Jesus from suffering, dying and being raised again (Mt 16:22). Satan may have grasped the fact that God had a plan at the Cross, but he would not have known the full consequences of Christ's work there in completely destroying his work ( canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triump...