Study 5. Acts 2:14-42
3. Peter says that the babble of languages is a sign of something greater than drunkenness. What does the sign demonstrate (see 2:15-21)? God's work. Fulfillment of prophecy of the Spirit's outpouring, and the opportunity for salvation. 4. Next Peter recounts the key facts of Jesus’ life (see 2:22-24). a. How could the Jews have known that Jesus was a special person sent by God (see 2:22)? ' mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst' b. How did Israel respond to Jesus (see 2:23)? ' you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men '. The teachers of the Law had acted contrary to the Law in causing Jesus to be killed by Gentiles. ' delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God ' cf. Acts 4:28 - a powerful affirmation that God's permissive/decretive will is often fulfilled through the breaking of His revealed/prescriptive/preceptive will. c. What was the crucial event of Je...