Study 13. Acts 4:32-37
7. Why did the believers sell their goods to support others who were in want (see 4:32)? They had " all things in common":(2:44) They were of "one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common" There as a radical sense of unity and loss of personal boundaries. Personal transformation led to a change of social relationships For Thought and Discussion: Besides their meetings in the temple, the early believers met in their homes for prayer, fellowship, teaching, the Lord’s Supper, and common meals (see 2:42,46). Why is eating together a support to fellowship? Eating is a sign of trust It is a shared activity It looks forward to the great feast in heaven. It is an intimate activity that evokes family relationships We learn about each other's personal preferences and history For Thought and Discussion: Why were the early believers “filled with awe” (2:43)? Are you filled with awe, and sho...