Study 42: "Self Dependence" 29/1/16.

We discussed the difference between 'pride' and confidence'.
Pride is thinking highly of ourselves in a self-centered way. It is wanting to take credit for what we do, whereas confidence does not need to take credit for our achievements. Pride is lifting up our self esteem. Confidence is the assurance of our own capability. Confidence that rests in God is appropriate.
We said that we should be speaking an interacting with others in a way that affirms their effort rather than their nature or character when they do well  or need encouragement. This balance is especially difficult when we interact with our own children.

Self-dependence, lukewarmness and loss of spiritual insight are linked (Rev 3:15-20). Christ's reproves and disciplines the lukewarm believers that He nevertheless loves. His prescription for lukewarmness is to  have us be zealous and repent. We cannot earn the gold and garments He urges us to buy - we can only receive them by responding to His knock on the door of our hearts and entering into intimate communion with Him(v.20).

Boasting is the speaking of our own accomplishments in order to elevate others' esteem of us. This is misguided because all we have and are is given by God (1 Cor 3: 7, c.f. John the Baptist Jn 3:27). Boasting is therefore excluded in the life of Christian.

We also saw the implications of not being self-dependent on what church life means. Those among us who are 'weaker' and 'less honourable' are actually 'indispensible. There will always be those in church who will not see things the way we do and who are weaker in faith. This is the way God chooses to organize His church - as an interdependent family and not as an elite Special Forces team.  Not only our abilities, but the extent of our faith with which we assess them, are provided by God (Rom 12:3)


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