QC and accountability (4/3/16)

Shaun and Wen Ai celebrated 8 years of their knowing one another and 4 years of marriage recently with a nice wagyu dinner!
They shared how they still found marriage fun. Despite arguments they maintain their happy state by guarding mutual dignity even in the midst of arguments, not directing attacks personally, and learning how to love one another not to hurt each other even when hurting. They try to set out their personal opinions and hurts in the correct framework and context.
We had a short discussion on relationships and submission in the context of a Christian marriage. Wen Ai said that we needed to teach our girls what to look for in a husband - they need not just to find someone whom they can love, but respect as well.
We said that the submission that Ephesian 5 calls wives to give is not a sign of inferiority, but of role. The husband cannot demand submission in such a way that wives sin. The wife must render submission to Christ above submission to the husband, although this can play out in different ways. Submission does not exclude influence.
We also said that submission is more than providing honest feedback and being aware of one another's flaws, since Christians who are not our spouses can do this as well. There should be a willingness on the part of the wife to give in to her husband's preferences after due regard for her preferences. In the picture of Christian marriage in Ephesians 5 the wife gives up her preferences in submission, whereas the husband gives up his in sacrificial love.


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