YMEFLC 2016 reflections


Luke 17:11-19

11 On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. 12 And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, [a] who stood at a distance 13 and lifted up their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” 14 When he saw them he said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed. 15 Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; 16 and he fell on his face at Jesus' feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. 17 Then Jesus answered, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? 18 Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 And he said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.” [b]

At the age of 32, this passage is not unfamiliar to me. Events in the past months, however, have changed the paradigm on which I interpret and view the text. The series of events I am about to describe show a sign so clear that the Lord has spoken to me and this kind of events are unprecedented for me.

It all began in the middle of May, after I have just completed a series of exams for my semester in UniSIM. My Dad came up to me and said that he needed to discuss something. He told me that I have not been giving the proper respect and commitment due to the family and I was treating the house “like a hotel”. The conversation turned ugly, and we got into a heated debate. My father sensed that the conversation was not heading in the right direction, promptly ended it, and left me to reflect on the discussion points. After cooling off, I did acknowledge that even though I had been very busy trying to maximise my time in my studies I have indeed completely neglected my family who has been supporting me in my education.

Fast forward to the June Church Camp, I have already changed my ways and have improved the interactions I have with my family as well as their extended family and friends. The Lord worked miraculously and I thought that it was a good lesson learnt. During the church camp, Pastor Lillian asked us to pray and ask God to speak directly to us. The word “Honour” suddenly came upon me as I prayed. At that point of time, I was seeking to honour my family and seek to improve my relationships with them. This, I thought was an excellent reinforcement, of what I was already practicing. I showed it to my accountability partner in camp, shared the above story and thought it was the end of the lesson again.

Fast forward again to YMELFC 2016, I was highly excited as this was my first YMLC and I have heard that this would be a first in many YMLCs to have the Evangelical Free Churches join us. Even though, they said that they didn’t assign us according to age, my group consisted of members only 1-2 yrs different from my current age, with the exception of the mentors. The interactions were deep, highly educative, relevant and meaningful as we could identify quickly with one another. This was especially so for my group mentor (Ps Vincent) who shared a wonderful testimony of how he came to know Christ and became a pastor.

At the first dinner of the conference, he handed us some cards saying that he has been instructed to write cards for all of us. He prayed and he wrote according to what the Spirit had instructed him. He said that there was no better word of encouragement than that of scripture hence he has written some verses for all of us. When I received the card, I was deeply shaken and at a complete loss for words. Not knowing how to react but only to nod and thank him for the card. The verse he had given me was from 2 Tim 2:20-21:

Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honourable use, some for dishonorable.21 Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonourable, [d] he will be a vessel for honourable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.

He ended with, “Eugene, may you be that honourable vessel. His grace and mercy be yours in abundance.”

The message on the card, which I have also scanned as an attachment, shook my entire being and a stirring started to form into my heart. The session after dinner, Ps Edmund spoke on the crisis of Leadership, and as he spoke on the parts on the fatigue and emptiness of worn out leaders. I have discovered that I had not had this feeling of excitement and stirring in my walk with God for many years. I have been accumulating knowledge without transformation and putting on a mediocre act as a Christian Leader as well.

On the second day, I have already consolidated all the lessons learnt and I have shared the above with my roommate during reflections. The excitement within me could not be extinguished and I proceeded to share it with my mentor as we went out for coffee during break time. He gave me an astonished look and he told me genuinely he just did as the Spirit led. He has no idea who I was and I have never met him in my entire life! We thank God for the revelation and headed back.

During the group prayer time in between the extended worship, my mentor prayed for me, the 2 Tim verse came up again. This time, he emphasised that for me to be the honourable vessel I must first cleanse myself of what is dishonourable. My heart stirred again as I have glossed over that point in my excitement to share this exciting piece of news.

Shortly after, the worship leader requested for those who required healing to step up. As an adult leader, I knew that I wanted to encourage my roommate to be prayed for so I went up with him to be prayed for together. We both suffered different strains of eczema. As we approached the leaders the Holy Spirit prompted me again, which I proceeded to share with the leader. The prompting was that I should not pray for the healing of my eczema. I already know how it can be cured. The solution has already been revealed to me several years ago when I was in NS, and the cure was that I had to exercise. I have neglected that due to severe laziness. And also it continued saying, “This eczema that you now have is a manifestation of the sin in your life. You know that it is there, you know what to do to cure it, and yet you have refused to do it!” When the words left my mouth, I was certain that it was from the Holy Spirit as I quote Ps Edmund “I am not so clever”. I continued to ask the leader to pray for me that God will grant me the strength to be repentant of my sins so that I can be cleansed just as I work to cure my eczema.

The leader praying for me was highly impressed and he said to me this after praying for me, "Eugene, to be able to draw such a parallel from your illness to your spiritual health, you have the gift of spiritual sight. And for those who have been given this gift, great things will be coming for and from them." I have no idea now how many times I have already been taken aback. However, for the leader to say this to me shocked me in 2 ways. 1 I did not know there was such a gift as spiritual sight or spiritual insight, I thought it was a common gift and it is not listed in the gifts in the bible. 2 Nobody has ever told me directly what my spiritual gifting was, I have done a few spiritual gifting tests but I never really took them very seriously and they also did not indicate such a gift.

I have written all this as a form of a journal and record of the lessons that God has thought me during these past few months. In order not to drag this reflection any longer, I will list them out in points.

1 Understanding the spiritual gifting
On hindsight, I realise that this is not really a spiritual gifting like those of giving, preaching, teaching etc. However, it is a sense of restedness, clarity, brokenness, a heart of learning and many more things which makes me ready to accept God’s instruction in my life. I would guess it may be similar to the experience described in the bible when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon certain individuals. I will not say I have arrived at that position where I am walking in step with Jesus, but I would say that this is just a taste of it, the beginning, and it is delicious!

2 Cleansing
For many years of my life, I have just been going through the routines of life, at times, I may have had mountaintop experiences but they are quickly bogged down by the everyday life routines. Just as I have learned to become comfortable with my eczema, sin has also crept into my life and I have chosen to allow it to remain there, justifying it and making it seem right even though it was poisoning my relationship with God. When God opened my eyes to reveal my sin, I felt like a baby who had been suffering and crying with my eyes closed only to stop crying when I opened my eyes to see the Father staring back at me with loving eyes. There are no words sufficient to describe this emotion.

3 Worship
With the cleansing and relationships restored, my worship has become more genuine. With the excellent worship team leading us into songs like the Alabaster Jar, breaking the chains etc. My worship has truly become from the inside out. Inside, I know that I am right with God and, outside, my actions and praises are no longer hypocritical or shallow.

4 Honour
The word that is now resonating in my heart as I type this reflection. I am still amazed that the Holy Spirit is such an excellent helper. As I type this, he knows my learning process and guides me into newer and greater truths as I discover how I can honour God. In fact, he has completed the initial word that was given to me. That which was only “honour” has become complete and the word is now “Honour God”. Cleansing myself and becoming honourable has allowed me to be ready, to be a useful vessel for God to use me.

5 Faith and Healing
As I reflect on the past years of my life and compare it with the experience and euphoria that I am now experiencing. I would liken my earlier years to be like the 9 lepers who have been healed but did not return. And now I can hear Jesus say to me “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.”

6 Dailyness
To end off the sharing, I would like to quote Pastor Vincent’s example of Mary and Martha where Mary has chosen to seat at the feet of Jesus. For the past few years, my spiritual disciplines like QT and prayer has been especially dry due to my suppression of the Holy Spirit. Now that the chains have been broken, I now have the inside out paradigm when I approach this disciplines. Pastor Vincent also shared another point, he said that what Jesus said at the end is most interesting. The phrase “Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” I have mentioned earlier that I had previous mountain top experiences and they have all diminished. The Lord can give and take away. However, I have now learned that if I choose to continually seat at the feet of Jesus, HE will not be taken away from me. I pray for the strength to continually pray, journal and do devotions so that Jesus Christ will not be taken away from me again.


  1. very encouraged by your sharing even after hearing it a few times, Eugene. may you truly be that honourable vessel set apart for His good works. His grace and mercy be yours in abundance indeed!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement! May the Lord also use you in many great ways new boss!


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