Balancing needs and wants: an examination of resource allocation and stewardship in local church ministries.
I. Resource allocation The church has the mission to make disciples of all nations (Mt 28:18-20). This is our FFMC vision. We are to baptize people (a one-off event) and to teach them to observe all that Jesus has taught (a continuing work). All local churches therefore have ministries that focus on outreach to non-believers as well as ministries to disciple believers. In addition, there are ministries of the church that are administrative or operational in nature. We affirm that all these ministries are of value, although the importance of particular ministries may differ according to institutional factors (e.g. mandated ministries in the Methodist Book of Discipline) as well as with the needs of the moment (e.g. China CN ministry). We have previously said that all ministries must be aligned to the overall disciplemaking vision of the church (LCEC retreat May 2013). We said that: • All activities and ministries m...