Study 57 (Reflection by Kevin)

The previous lesson we learned how the apostles were transformed when the Holy Spirit entered into their lives. From a timid group attempting to escape from the Pharisees they became bold preachers and teachers. In the second sequel to the “Spirit-filled life” series we learned about the adverse impact when Holy Spirit is absent in churches (and individual Christians). The failings of the Corinthian and Galatian churches were attributed to the absence of the Holy Spirit amongst the believers. Without the Holy Spirit in their lives they become filled with jealously and strife (1 Cor 3:1-3), salvation through human efforts (Gal 3:1-3) and led by the desires of flesh (Gal 5:16-18). King Hee’s short article has expanded on the three failings. While these examples are not exhaustive, these passages illustrate specific instances of Christians without the Holy Spirit. Herein lies a stark contrast within the Christian community; those filled with the Holy Spirit are transformed while those without continue to live in sin. 

The impact of Holy Spirit is salvation, through a threefold process of justification, sanctification and glorification. One is saved from the penalty of sin through justification, power of sin through sanctification and presence of sin through glorification. Through the Holy Spirit God fulfills the promise that “[he] works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Phi 2:13-ESV). NLT translates it as “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”


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