Mother's Day Poem 2017

Mother’s day
  Celebrated once a year
A mother’s day
  Often feels like a year

Mother’s day
  A day we remember the pain
A mother’s day
  Sometimes feels like it’s all in vain

Mother’s day
  Is a time we are grateful
A mother’s day
  Is a test to be faithful

Mother’s day
  We love to behold
A mother’s day
  No love they withhold

Mother’s day
  A day the Lord has made
A mother’s day
  Depends fully on the price our Saviour paid

Mother’s day
  Though it comes once a year
A mother’s day
  Reminds us who we hold dear

Happy Mother’s day
  Because a mother’s day truly is one to be celebrated
May this day
  Fill a mother’s (your) day with hope and joy unabated

Written for Kris and dedicated to all mothers :)


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