Study 8 ("Overcoming the barriers")
We looked at the passages for the study (Is 61:1-3 and Luke 15). The Isaiah passage is one of the "servant songs" in the book, passages which point to Jesus as the suffering Messiah. Jesus appropriates this passage for His own in Luke 4:18. Luke 15 tells the story of salvation in 3 different ways through 3 parables: the lostness of a sentient sheep, the lostness of a non-sentient coin, and the lostness of a beloved son. Daniel observed that the sheep was 1 of a 100, the coin was 1 of 10, and the son was 1 of 2 that were lost. All the lost objects originally belonged to the finder, and when all are found there is great rejoicing. Taken together, the 3 parables lay out the scope of salvation for every believer (i.e it is not that some of us are sheep, and others, coins, and so on, but that God works in various ways in everyone who comes to faith. As in Isaiah, the seeker/finder is portrayed as divine. The passages therefore cannot be taken to explicitly tell us to do what God ...