Study 7 ("Where to begin')

The Greek word for ‘draw’ in Jn 6:44 is used in the NT to connote actions with a degree of forcefulness. It is used to describe Paul and Silas (Ac 16:19) getting dragged before the authorities and Paul getting dragged by a mob (Ac 21:30). The rich compel/draw the poor before the courts (Jas 2:6) as well.  It is also used to describe the drawing of a sword by Peter (Jn 18:10) and the drawing of a net of fish (Jn 21:6, 11). So 'draw' does not mean 'woo' or 'persuade'. Selwyn gave the analogy of a magnet drawing something. There is a sense of active action on God's part before one can be saved.

Perhaps the most useful passages in John’s gospel that throw light on Jn 6:44 are Jn 12:32 (Jesus ‘draws’ all men to Himself) and Jn 6:65 (“This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father”). So Jesus speaks of a sovereign work of God in salvation. Of ourselves, we cannot seek God and be saved. Matthew’s gospel says the same thing and applies it to Jesus' sovereign revelation of God “All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” (Mt 11:27). This takes the pressure of us to persuade those we witness to to ‘accept’ (bad word, ‘receive’ is better) Christ. Our task is to humbly and winsomely tell the truth of our personal experience with Jesus and let God do the rest.

I thought it was good to consider how the Bible describes non-Christians and Christians, so that we can see the contrast, and feel the greatness of what God has done for us!

1 Pe 4:18, Tit 3:5 2 Ti 1:9
2 Thes 2:13, Eph 2:8. 1 Cor 1:18, Ro 8:24, Ac 4:12, Jn 10:9, Mt 10:22, 24:13
Mt 7:21, Mt 8:12
Destined for outer darkness
Have entered the kingdom of heaven
Mt 9:36, Mk 6:34
Sheep without a shepherd

Lk 19:10
Jn 1:12, 1 Jn 3:1

Children of God
Jn 3:6
Born of flesh
Born of the Spirit
Jn 3:18

Jn 3:19
Love darkness, work evil

Jn 3:36
The wrath of God is on them
Have eternal life
Jn 4:23

True worshipers
Jn :7:37-38
Rivers of water flow from the heart
Jn 8:34
A slave to sin
Ac 26: 18
Ac 26: 18
Under power of Satan
Under God
Ro 1
Ungodly, unrighteous, suppressing the truth, know God but do not honour or give thanks to him. Exchange God’s glory for idols, Given up to sin

Ro 8: 2
Under the law of sin and death
Under the law of the Spirit of life
Ro 8: 2-6
Walking, living, setting mind on/in the flesh, dead
Walking, living, setting mind on/in the Spirit. Have life and peace
Ro 8: 7-8
Hostile to God, unable to please Him
Ro 8:11

Indwelt by the Spirit
Ro 8:14-15, Gal 4:6, 5:1
Have the spirit of slavery
Have the Spirit of adoption as children

Eph 1:5, 1 Jn 3:1, Ro 8:17

Children and heirs
Eph 2:1,5, Jn 5:25
Dead in trespasses and sins
Alive in Christ
Eph 1:7

Eph 1:5, Ac 26: 18

Eph 1:11

Given inheritance
Eph 1:13

Sealed with the Spirit
Eph 2:6

Raised up and seated in the heavenly places with Christ
Eph 2:12-19, Col 1:21-22
Separated from Christ, alienated from commonwealth of Israel, Strangers to covenant of promise. No hope, no god,
Hostile, evildoers
Brought near, reconciled, given access in the Spirit to the Father, Fellow citizens with the saints, members of God’s family
Eph 3:12

Eph 5:6, 1 Pe 1:14, 2:1
Eph 5:1 2 Thes 2:13

Beloved (children)
1 Pe 1:3, 23, Jn 3:6

1 Pe 2:9
Not a people. Have not received mercy
A chosen race, royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own possession. God’s people who have received mercy
1 Jn 1:6-7
In darkness
In the light

 We spent some time sharing about our experiences with witnessing. We mentioned the need to balance talking about the love of God and the wrath of God. We noted the importance of faithful prayer. Winnie said it was hard to know sometimes whether it was the right time to speak up. She said, “If you don't go, you won't know”!


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