2 Timothy Chapter 1, Questions 4-8 (18/9/20)

 4. We thought of short phrases or sentences to serve as a title for each paragraph of the letter below:

1:1-2       Apostle to son

1:3-18   " Guard the good deposit entrusted to you". "Bold (v.8) endurance in ministry". "Trust what we have entrusted to God; guard what God has entrusted to us". "Faithful to the gospel, to Paul and to his calling." "Confidence in the gospel (Paul's perspective)". "Do not be ashamed of the gospel"

2:1-13    "Suffer for the gospel as I do". "Endure everything for the sake of the elect". "Focus on God's ways (v.3-6) and be faithful.""You will suffer don't give up". Be strengthened and share in suffering for Christ. "Remember Jesus Christ (v.8, 10)," "Persevere and endure suffering for Christ". "Strive hard and endure for glory" '"Endure and be faithful"

2:14-26  "Be a good servant of the Lord". "Present yourself to God as one approved (v.15)", "Flee evil desires and do not engage in stupid arguments":"Be an approved worker for God, set apart and teaching the right word" "Qualifications of the Lord's  servant" "Be upright and patiently guide in truth. "What it means to be set apart" "Be holy" ""A servant approved by God"

3:1-9    "Evildoers in the last days"."Avoid godless people". "Godlessness in the last days". "Difficult times in the last days". "The situation in the last days". "Warning - danger ahead" "The state of the world in the last days". "Beware!" "How to spot a godless person". "Ungodliness of the world".

3:10-17  Equipped by Scripture for suffering. "Continue in learning from the Scripture" "Continue living in the Word" "Use the Word of God" "Scripture is powerful" "Continue in what you have learned and firmly believed in  (v.14) "Remain faithful and live radically for the word" "Follow what has been taught and there will be guaranteed suffering" "Continue in the Scripture"

4:1-8    Fulfill your ministry of preaching the Word. "Endure suffering and patiently await the Lord's return" "Endure suffering and preach the Word" "Preach the word of God faithfully and soundly" "Charged to preach the word" "Fulfill your ministry" "Fight the good fight, finish the race, keep the faith" "A duty to preach the word" "Always be ready, preach the word to the end" " Charged to preach the Word."

4:9-18    The Lord will rescue me though men forsake me. God will stand by me and strengthen me. Personal remarks. Personal instructions to Timothy. Instructions, disappointments and thankfulness for God's strengthening. "Instructions and encouragements." "Requests and encouragements" "
"Paul's personal requests"

4:19-22  "Thankful for my friends." "Goodbye" "Final greetings" " 'K thanks bye". "Can't wait to see you soon"

 5. Paul's chief aims for writing the letter:

  • To express his longing for Timothy
  • To encourage Timothy to persevere in the face of suffering
  • To tell Timothy to remember what Paul has taught him
  • To warn him about particular ideas and individuals now and in time to come
  • To give advice as to how to be a better pastor -  to prepare him for ministry.
  • To ask for Timothy's presence in his abandonment 
  • To encourage Timothy not to be ashamed of the gospel but to preach the Word
  • To encourage Timothy to run his own race and finish well
  • To affirm Timothy in his ministry
  • To pass on the baton of ministry.


 6. Questions on historical background

What kind of person was Paul? I asked: "Is Paul the kind of person we would like to invite over for dinner?"

He used to be proud of his achievements and upbringing (Phil 3:4-7). He was zealous for his faith before he became a Christian (Ac 8:3, 9:1). He suffered greatly for his faith after becoming a Christian (2 Co 11:1-33). He was relentless in the face of opposition (Gal 2:11-14). His language is often convoluted, sometimes direct ("I wish those who unsettle you would emasculate themselves!"). He doesn't seem very concerned about earthly things like food quality ("If one of the unbelievers invites you to dinner and you are disposed to go, eat whatever is set before you without raising any question on the ground of conscience." 1 Co 10:27)

Intense person. Stressful. Driven, focused. "makes sure we get it by the end of dinner" "Your game must really be up"
7.  Questions to be answered about 2 Timothy.

8. What have we read so far that can be applied to our lives?


Optional application:

I read the JB Phillips translation, where he says in 2 Ti 4:6 "As for me, I feel that the last drops of my life are being poured out for God.". This brings to be an impression of seriousness, the need for urgency and focus. It  speaks to me of how we should live when our time is running out. We waste so much time on inconsequential things!

Some of us were struck by the qualities of the Lord's bondservant in 2:24-26, especially the part about "correcting with gentleness" rather than just making a point" It is God who changes the heart, not us.

We were also struck by Paul's  "unwavering certainty" (1:12), his single-mindedness, conviction and passion. Certainty in Paul led to ability to endure.

His concern for Timothy as a mentoree was also noteworthy.

Finally we also saw the need to be pure for noble use.


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