2 Timothy 2:14-26 Questions 5-7

5 a) What does it mean to 'correctly handle the word of truth' (2:15)?

  • We do this through effort ("Do your best")
  • We do this to please God (to God)
  • We do this so that we have no need to be "ashamed" at the Day of Judgement

To 'correctly handle' = "to cut straight". Some take this to mean that the pastor must not be 'crooked' in the preaching of the Word so that it says what it does not. The Christian must also place each part of Scripture in correct perspective/balance. Preachers should use the power of the Word of God rightly (like a sharp sword, Spurgeon) and distribute it appropriately to their flock (Calvin)

The implication is that each one of us must know and use the Bible well. We must not like be those who have 'swerved from the truth" (2:17)

b) Name at least one step you could take to become better at handling the word of truth.

  • Spend more time reading it
  • Being obedient to it and to make sure we don't lose focus on it.
  • Spending time in meditation rather than reading about it.
  • Grow in devotional life and practical holiness.
  • Needing the Spirit's guidance to apply the Word to particular situations.
  • Understand context and read with study Bible.

6. What attitude does Paul want Timothy to have toward those who oppose him?
Who are these opponents? Those without a knowledge of the truth (2:25, cf. 1 Ti 2:4)
Correcting: being concerned for the truth. Addressing misconceptions about the gospel
Gentleness: a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23), c.f. 1 Pe 3:15, Eph 4:2, Gal 6:1, 2 Cor 10:1. courteous, kind, tender, soft manner

7. a) Why is it often hard to be kind, patient, unresentful and gentle with quarrelsome people?

  • Because they don't deserve it. They are petty and unpleasant to be with
  • Because they are making us compensate for their character flaws
  • Because it is emotionally tiring to engage these people
  • Because it is often a waste of time since they love quarrels rather than truth.
  • Their words often hurt us. We want to protect ourselves.
  • They provoke us.
  • Ego is usually involved and it is hard for all parties to back down.
  • We find it hard to be open to their point of view.

We are only asked to have this attitude with opponents, not with "quarrelsome people". We ourselves are asked to not be quarrelsome (2:24), so we should not quarrel with quarrelsome people -  to be engaged in heated/angry arguments.

When do we engage and when do we not? Does kindness mean constant engagement?

We all agreed that we need to take things on a case-by-case basis as Jesus did, There are many reason why people may be angrily speaking out. We need to be sensitive to their condition. Sometimes they need to vent. Sometimes, giving the opportunity for people to express their anger over firmly held misconceptions is not helpful. We sometimes should avoid these situations (2:16,23). We should choose the issues we converse about well.

b) How might you cultivate these attitudes towards others?

  • Remember our own failures, so we are more understanding and patient.
  • Try to put ourselves in their shoes.
  • Pray for help
  • Pray for them and do good to them.
  • See ourselves as less important, and Christ as more important than our ego.    

QC Question:
 "Why did Jesus preach to crowds when He knew that only a few would be saved?" 
He set us a good example!?
Those who would be saved  were in the midst of the crowds..?
Preaching to crowds was the most efficient way of hearing the gospel. Jesus was physically located in only one place at once. Jesus did tailor his ministry according to the responses He received (Mt 13:53-58)
Jesus' preaching removed all excuses for sinful unbelief (Jn 15:22)
My answer is that the question implies that Jesus knew *which* few would be saved, but that He actually didn't, since as touching His human nature, He was not omniscient (c.f.  Lk 8:45, Mt 24:36).
Like all of us, he knew that many would be called, but few chosen (Mt 22:14), but like us, he lived in human uncertainty, yet always doing His Father's will.


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