11/2/22. Study 15. Ecclesiastes 6:1-6

 There is an evil that I have seen under the sun, and it lies heavy on mankind: a man to whom God gives wealth, possessions, and honor, so that he lacks nothing of all that he desires, yet God does not give him power to enjoy them, but a stranger enjoys them. This is vanity; it is a grievous evil. If a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years, so that the days of his years are many, but his soul is not satisfied with life's good things, and he also has no burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he. For it comes in vanity and goes in darkness, and in darkness its name is covered. Moreover, it has not seen the sun or known anything, yet it finds rest rather than he. Even though he should live a thousand years twice over, yet enjoy no good—do not all go to the one place? 


1. Qoheleth continues his reflection on greed and wealth. What new ideas does he raise as seen in the contrast between his stories in 5:18-20 and 6:1-6?

In contrast to the earlier situation where a man has lost everytning, here Qoheleth talks about someone who really has every worldly blessing, yet cannot enjoy them. Instead, a 'stranger' enjoys them - not even his heir, but someone who obtains his standing by chance.
On one hand we can pursue wealth to our own destruction and be consumed with regret when it is lost; on the other hand we can have wealth  but not be contented with what we have.
In 5:19-20 we read about one who accepts his lot and enjoys his work, for whom his life passes quickly, but in 6:6 there are those who may live very long but cannot enjoy the good things they have.

2. In his mind, what are the blessings God gives? How does our society define the 'good life'? How does scripture define the 'good life'? What blessings appeal to you most?
"Weaith, possessions and honour (v.2), many children and a long life (v.3).
Secular definitions include "the kind of life that people with a lot of money are able to have", "a happy and enjoyable life' (Merriam-Webster). There is also an element of strving towards a worthwhile, meaningful and honest life.Bon mentioned excitement. Joe mentioned the Chinese ideal of fortune (fú 福), prosperity (lù 禄) and longevity (shòu 寿). Selwyn says it is to be able to do what we want.
"Abundant life" (Jn 10:10) is given by Jesus. "Eternal ife" (jn 17:3) is to know the true God and Jesus, whom He has sent. For the Christian, life is not how we live, but the One we know. A relationship with God ensures that life will be 'good'.
The Beatitudes (Mt. 5:2-12) also speak of a 'blessed life'. Here, the poor in spirit, the mournful, meek, hungry and thirsty for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart and persecuted for Christ's sake are blessed. This contrasts strongly with prosperity gospel teaching: our reward is 'great in heaven" (v.12), not "great on earth".
So the blessed life for a Christian is a life centred on God, where we enjoy His reality and do His will.

3. Who does Qoheleth say has it worse in life than a stilborn child? Why does he say this?

 A 'stilborn child' (v.3) has never lived. Its existence has no meaning ('vanity') and never has a place in the world, without being known and without any significance or action. Yet better never to have lived than to spend long years in ingratitude and discontent. This is a waste of one's life (cf. Job 3:16 "Or why was I not as a hidden stillborn child,  as infants who never see the light?)

In the end, both the stillborn and the living still will end up in the grave ('one place' v.6)  (cf. 3:20, 9:10) so the quality of life is more important than length of life.

4. What is a summary uinderstanding of how work and wealth can be a source of unhappiness or blessing?
  • God decrees wealth and poverty. From our perspective, these appear randomly distributed. One can transform to the other without certainty.
  • God enables us to enjoy the blessings He decrees. We must learn to accept His gifts with contentment.we are to be stewards. 


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