Wen Ai shared about the book she was reading ("Furious Love") and how it had touched her and made her feel the need to love people more. (Thanks, Wen Ai!) The book had stories of individuals who were faithful in small ways and who were able to make their love for people concrete. I asked the question then: "Are we supposed to love everyone equally? Do we love, for instance, Christians more than non-Christians?". Joshua then asked, "Does God love everyone equally?", which led to our main discussion for the evening! There is certainly a sense in which God loves everyone, but it is clear that He does 'play favourites'. Shaun kept saying, "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated" (Rom 9:13). If God's love is expressed in action, and some are saved and some are not, clearly God does not love all in exactly the same way. Selwyn objected: but doesn't God treat us in response to the way we treat Him? (Which is to say, if we reach out to Him in...
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