Study 4. Luke 1:39-80

 3. Mary calls God 'my Saviour' (1:47). How does she portray God as Saviour in 1:46-56?

 This verse was the reason why the great mediaval theologian Thomas Aquinas (1225 – 1274) felt that Mary was not conceived sinless (the doctrine of the 'Immaculate Conception', officially expressed in 1854).

  • God has exalted her for all generations even though she is humble.
  • God is mighty
  • God shows mercy
  • God has overturned the standards of this world and exalted the humble and cast down the proud (cf. the song of Hannah in 1 Sa 2:1-10, Ps 103:1)
  • God fills those who hunger physically, but who also hunger for righteousness. (cf. Mt 5:6)
  • God has fulfilled His promises to the nation.

4. What does 1:39-56 Reveal aabout Jesus' identity and mission (see 1:43,  51-55)

  •  Jesus is blessed (v.42), the "Lord" (v.43, an exalted title, used only of God in Lk 1-4)
  • Jesus' coming will cause the "fall and rising of many" (Lk 2:34)

5. How do Mary and Elizabeth respond to this revelation?

 Thankfulness and praise. Elizabeth shows no sign of jealousy: she counts herself blessed to see Mary, she blesses Mary

Mary sees herself as lowly (of 'humble estate' v.48, 52), 'hungry', an unworthy recipient of God's favour ( = grace). God's power is exerted against the proud, the mighty rulers, and the rich. Instead, He helps those who fear him (v.50), His chosen people.


6. Zechariah's prophecy in Luke 1:68-79 is called the 'Benedictus' (Latin for 'praise be'). For what character qualities and acts does Zechariah praise God?

Zechariah is filled and inspired by the Holy Spirit, much as Elizabeth (v.41); John (v.15) and Mary (v.35) were also filled with the Spirit. God's miraculous presence is at work in the lives of ordinary people - unobtrusively,

  • God is the one who visits people in their need and redeems (pays a price to save) them. 
  • God has raised a saviour in David's house according to the promises of the prophets. In this he shows mercy and remembers his promises/covenant to the patriachs/Abraham. The promise to Abraham is that the whole world will be blessed through him
  • God will save his people from their enemies.

7. How does 1:68-79 reveal about

John's mission?

  • To be part of God's saving work for His people
  • To be God's prophet 
  • To prepare the way of the Lord. To teach people how to be saved and to have their sins forgiven

Jesus' mission?

To show God's tender mercy in giving people light when they have no hope (cf. Mal 4:2), and to show them how to find peace.


8. Zechariah said that the Lord would rescue the Jews because of the covenant he had made with their ancestors (1:72-73). What would be the ultimate goal of this deliverance and this covenant? (1:74-75)

To be able to serve God without fear and restrictions, in true holiness and righteousness.

cf. "Splendour of holiness' (1 Chr 16:27-30, Ps 29:2, Ps 96:10) "because of the splendour of God's holiness" "in holy attire"

So our responses to this passage would be:

1. To celebrate and magnify God's grace to us - which we see and know more than Mary did when she sang the Magnificat. We fully grasp the extent of God as our "Saviour"

2. To know that the Holy Spirit works in the lives of insignificant, humble people like us.


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