Study 12. Luke 5:33 - 6:16
17. Old garments tear when patched, and old wineskins break when refilled. Why do you think people sometimes prefer to patch their old coats or keep their old wineskins?
"The old is good/better" (likely an ironic observation on the attitude of the Pharisees).
We tend to resist change because it requires adjustment on our parts: the familiar is comfortable. We face discomfort with any change and growth.
The parable of the garments/wine and wineskins is the first parable in Luke: the point is that the newness of the Kingdom inaugurated by Jesus cannot co-exist within the old structures of Judaism. There will be a need for true repentance (5:32), regeneration (Jn 3:3) and worship (Jn 4:ŷ
18. What one truth from 4:14 - 5:39 would you like to apply? Write it down, with a verse reference.
For Thought and Discussion
Why was fasting inappropriate when Jesus was present?
"the bridegroom is with them".
Fasting is the voluntary self-denial of a legitimate need or pleasure of the body in order to focus on the presence of God. In Jesus' time on earth, He was already with His people. There was no need for them to fast.
Fasting is an expression of seriousness and compelling need. (cf. Anna in 2:37). Answers to prayer can depend on this kind of devotion (Mk 9:29)
1. According to the Pharisees, a person should go hungry rather than glean on the Sabbath (see 6:1-2). How did this view of God's Sabbath miss its true significance?
"the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath"
On Sundays we celebrate God's good gifts of rest and freedom and look forward to its ultimate fulfilment in Christ to our lives (Heb 4:9-10)
2. Jesus defended not only His motives but also his authority to let His disciples glean on the Sabbath (see 6:5). What did He claim, and why was His claim significant?
The point of Jesus' illustration of David and the bread of the Presence is that the law of Moses allowed for exceptions in time of human need. He pointed to this, then went one step further to claim authority over how to interpret Sabbath laws. There was an indirect claim to deity, since God instituted the Sabbath on Mount Sinai.
For further study
Compare Luke 6:1-11 to Isaiah 58:6-7, 13 on the topic of fasting.
Isaiah tells us that God wants social justice and care for others even when we perform a God-directed spriritual discipline. Fasting is not only about us, but is intended to help us to look outward as we look to God. The Sabbath is linked to fasting: both involve not doing as we please by seeking our pleasure
How can we celebrate the Sabbath rightly as Christians?
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