
Showing posts from January, 2023

Study 15 Luke 7:1-17

 The 2 miracles recorded today prepare the reader for the questions of John the Baptist in 7:18ff 10. Scripture records only two occasions where Jesus was 'amazed' (Mk 6:6, Lk 7:9). What was it about the centurion that amazed Jesus? Scripture has a positive view of the character of centurions (Lk 23:47; Acts 10:22; 22:26; 23:17, 23; 24:23; 27:1, 43) This particular individual: valued those under him (v.2) loved the nation and people he was occupying (v.5) showed that love by generously building the synagogue at Capernaum was humble ('worthy' vs 4 vs, 'not worthy' v.6). He sees Jesus as greater. He sent messengers (possibly changing his mind after asking Jesus to 'come' v. 3), described his own place in a heirarchy. Matthew's account (8:5-13) seems to show that the centurion came personally to see Jesus, but it is likely that Matthew "gives the gist of the centurion’s communication to Jesus, whereas Luke in greater detail gives the actual seque...

Study 14. Luke 6:37-49

 7. What priincple does Jesus reveal in 6:37-38 about why we should treat others as we would like to be treated? We will be treated (ultimately by God) the same way that we treat others. To judge, is to come to an opinion or conclusion, spoken or unspoken, about the character, speech and actions of another person (cf Matt. 18:15–17, I Cor 5:12-13 )   These verses show that there is a ‘right’ type of judging, which we must do, and a wrong kind of judging that we must not do. What does 'judge not' mean? it means that we evaluate others graciously and generously (cf v.27-36). We are not to assess from a position of moral superiority, but from humility It does not mean that we stop exercising moral discernment. We cannot assume the right to criticize and condemn others. Receiving grace should lead to showing grace. Judging carries the consequence of judgment by others and by God.   8. What will happen if we try to be another's spiritual guide and judge when we are blin...

Wesleyan Covenant Renewal Service Sermon 31 December 2022: A New Heart and A New Spirit - Ezekiel 36:26

Video available for viewing @ I would like to thank Pastor Wendy for this opportunity to preach the Word tonight. Speaking at the last service of the year is not an easy task - it is a place of transition - equal parts reflection and anticipation. It is reflection for the year that has passed, and anticipation for the year that is to come. As we quieten our hearts to listen to God’s Word tonight, it is my prayer that the Holy Spirit will speak truth to your heart: teaching, convicting, rebuking, correcting truth, so that we may become more like Christ in the coming year.  Will you join me in prayer as we begin this time? Heavenly Father, we come before you at the close of the year, acknowledging our brokenness and embracing your grace. May Your eternal Word come alive in us just as Christ Jesus Your Son came and dwelt among us. May the Holy Spirit reveal to us the message you have for us today,...