Study 14. Luke 6:37-49

 7. What priincple does Jesus reveal in 6:37-38 about why we should treat others as we would like to be treated?

We will be treated (ultimately by God) the same way that we treat others.

To judge, is to come to an opinion or conclusion, spoken or unspoken, about the character, speech and actions of another person (cf Matt. 18:15–17,I Cor 5:12-13)  These verses show that there is a ‘right’ type of judging, which we must do, and a wrong kind of judging that we must not do.

What does 'judge not' mean? it means that we evaluate others graciously and generously (cf v.27-36). We are not to assess from a position of moral superiority, but from humility It does not mean that we stop exercising moral discernment. We cannot assume the right to criticize and condemn others. Receiving grace should lead to showing grace. Judging carries the consequence of judgment by others and by God.


8. What will happen if we try to be another's spiritual guide and judge when we are blind to our own weaknesses (6:39)? 

Both parties will suffer. The 'blind' are those who do not see the truth in whole or in part. The ‘blind’ cannot see themselves, or anything around them. This applies to situations as well as to ideas. Se must not judge prematurely. Ultimately it speaks of whether one has enough wisdom (correct application of Scriptural knowledge to life) to help others.

9. With the warnings of 6:37-42 in mind, how can we recrognize the state of our hearts (6:43-45)? 

There are 2 more pictures of wrong judgment:

  • The disciple cannot be above the teacher – you do not surpass the one teaching you. There is a certain arrogance in assuming that we are better than our teachers. Turning that around, don’t be in a situation where you tell someone more experienced or knowledgeable than you how to do things. We need humility to consider the possibility that the person you are criticizing in your heart or with your mouth has already struggled with the issue more than you, thought more about the issue than you and can handle the matter better than you would if your positions were reversed. They are the ones to teach us, not we who should teach them. 
  • The one with the log cannot help the one with the speck – you cannot help people when you have the same type of problem, only worse. Jesus calls people with this kind of behaviour ‘hypocrites’. This word means that you pretend to be what you are not. So the one judging actually is not just ignorant of his or her lack of qualification to judge, but is aware that he or she has a problem, yet judges anway. This person wants people to think they are good and righteous, so judging becomes a way to demonstrate their holiness. But they are actually worse than those they are judging. Your sins may not be visible to people, but God sees them all. We like to judge because we feel good about our own sins and shortcomings when we judge.

What 'measure' (6:38) do you use in evaluating and treating family members, friends, coworkers and so on? In what ways might you need to change the standard by which you measure out love, judgment, giving, and forgiveness?

My expectations of others differ according to their roles/status. That means that I expect more of believers than non-believers. it also differs according to how they present themselves - if they present themselves as knowledgable and authoritative, i also expect more of them.

Observe what Jesus says about obedience to His Law (6:46-49). How is obeying Jesus like building your house on a rock?

A true disciple obeys. His calling Jesus 'Lord' truly means that he has a master.  He has a living faith (cf. James 2: 14-26), confirming his salvation that can withstand the storms of life. Obedience implies trust in the truth of God’s word. The fruit of obedience strengthens trust  

The life of a disciple is a life of obedience. We must do what He tells us. The obedient believer is ready for all the storms of life. The disobedient, superficial believer has no foundation and will be ruined. The hard work of obedience leads to intimacy, endurance, security and assurance.

The ending of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7:24-27 also shows how obedience leads to stability. But the difference between the conclusion of both sermons is that in Luke both men build in the same place, but not in the same way. In both cases the stability of the foundation of one's life is stressed.


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