
Showing posts from May, 2023

Study 26. Luke 11:1-26

13. What order of priorities does this prayer reveal? (11:2-4) The first concern we have must always be God - His honour and glory. A person's name summed up the person's whole character. We are to have a right attitude to all God has revealed of himself. To 'hallow' His name is to regard it as holy, to fear the reality behind the name. This effort always begins with us. Jesus may have taught this prayer more than once, to different sets of people (cf. Matt 6:9-13, the Sermon on the Mount). Jesus' reply to the disciple's request. "When you pray, say", shows that he intended the prayer to be used just as it stands. In Matthew it is introduced with, ‘Pray then like this’, which makes it a model on which we can base other prayers.(Morris). It is a corporate prayer ('us') and is to be prayed with an awareness of our place in the family of God.  "Thy kingdom come" is a request that God's will be done fully in all places at all times, s...

Study 25. Luke 10:25 - 42

7. According to Jesus, what should be a person's two priorities in life (10:27-28)? Loving God (Dt 6:5) Loving our neighbour (Lev 19:18)   What does it mean to 'love' God and 'love' your neighbour? To love God is to desire Him above all else and to seek to please Him  To love a neighbour is to place his needs equal to our own The common element in love is the forgetting of ourselves.  8. Jesus said, "Do this and you will live" (10:28). What is the problem with trying to inherit eternal life in this way? The attitude of the lawyer is wrong: he is not truly interested in knowing the answer to his question, but he wants to establish his superiority over Jesus. Jesus turns the tables by referring him to the most basic of the teachings of the faith. And so the lawyer then seeks to rescue ('justify') himself by asking a more 'sophisticated' question. Jesus takes the OT as the standard of faith and practice (cf. 19:18). we do this to 'earn...