Study 26. Luke 11:1-26

13. What order of priorities does this prayer reveal? (11:2-4)
The first concern we have must always be God - His honour and glory. A person's name summed up the person's whole character. We are to have a right attitude to all God has revealed of himself. To 'hallow' His name is to regard it as holy, to fear the reality behind the name. This effort always begins with us.

Jesus may have taught this prayer more than once, to different sets of people (cf. Matt 6:9-13, the Sermon on the Mount). Jesus' reply to the disciple's request. "When you pray, say", shows that he intended the prayer to be used just as it stands. In Matthew it is introduced with, ‘Pray then like this’, which makes it a model on which we can base other prayers.(Morris). It is a corporate prayer ('us') and is to be prayed with an awareness of our place in the family of God.

 "Thy kingdom come" is a request that God's will be done fully in all places at all times, so that God's reign will increase in the world until Jesus returns. The kingdom of God is already in the world, but it is not present in fullness.

The request for 'daily bread' reminds us of the manna of the Israelites - gathered only for that day. We do not ask in bulk and forget God most of the time. Our dependence is on a daily basis.

The request for forgiveness refers to daily cleansing, not justification from sins. 

Pope Francis famously said in 2017 that “lead us not into temptation”, should say “do not let us fall into temptation. There is no doubt that God permits us to be tempted, although never beyond what we can bear (1 Cor 10:13). At one level we can pray that we are spared temptation, if that is in His best will. At another level, Francis is right - that we should not fall *into* the temptation (i.e. give in to it).

14. In 11:5-8 the audience is the disciples and the points of reference are the man in bed and the man outside  What is the point of this parable?
We are to be like the one who asks 'shamelessly' (the Greek word occurs only here in the BIble) yet with the assurance that  God is not like the grudging friend. 
The action verbs "ask", "seek" and "knock" are  in the continuous tense and suggest a progression of focus, as well as of a need for persistence. "Everyone who asks receives" does not mean that we will get what we ask for, but that God always answers according to His good purposes for us.
We must not play at prayer, but must show persistence if we do not receive the answer immediately. It is not that God is unwilling and must be pressed into answering. The whole context makes it clear that he is eager to give. But if we do not want what we are asking for enough to be persistent, we do not want it very much. It is not such tepid prayer that is answered. (Morris)
15. What is the message of the comparison in 11:11-13.
A 'greater to lesser' argument: God is so much better than earthly fathers, just like God is so much more generous than so-called friends. If evil people can bless their children, how much more a wholly good God will bless His children.
The Holy Spirit is the ultimate good gift (cf. Mt 7:11)

16. Some observers showed no doubt about the source of Jesus's power over demons. What was their verdict? (11:15)
Some attributed Jesus' power to Beelzebul.
17. Others were unsure. How did they deal with the uncertainty?
  Some demanded further evidence of His identity and authority.

18/ How can a witness be sure that Jesus works by God's Spirit and heralds God's kingdon, not Satan's? (11:17-20)

 Satan will not engage in civil war.
A divided family will not survive

19. Every person is either helping Jesus to heal and save or hindering Him. In light of 11:20, 24-26 describe...

a. How to gather with Jesus. Work with Him in His work

b. How to scatter against Him. Refuse to acknowledge His work and attribute it to evil

There can be no neutrality about this. When a man sees what the kingdom means he must be either for it or against it. Anyone who does not side with Christ in the battle against evil is against him. If anyone does not gather with Christ he scatters (the imagery is from gathering a flock together).(Morris)

cf. 9:50 those who do the work of Jesus are to be included. Those who oppose His work are excluded.


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