Study 29. Luke 12:13-34
- is blessed by God (his land produced plentifully, v.16)
- had foresight for his finances
- looking forward to a comfortable retirement.
- selfish -he had no thought for others ('my' 4 times in vv. 17–19 while 'I' occurs eight times in the Greek)
- thoughtless for eternity
"Rich toward God"means that God is valued as our treasure/riches and that our lives reflect this value. It also implies that we use earthly riches to show how much
we value God.
- 'Life is more than food, and the body more than clothing' (v.23). Life is bigger than physical needs. We are not to be concerned about these relatively minor matters.
- Worry is futile - it changes nothing. .
- God provides everything.God feeds the ravens (v.23) and makes the lillies grow beautifully/clothes the grass (v.27-28). We are more valuable than these (cf. 12:6-7)
- God knows our needs (v.30). His promise is that He will provide.
10. What does it mean to seek the kingdom that God has givven us (12:31)? Write down at least one specific way you can seek the kingdom.
We are to seek the kingdom God has promised us (v.32)
Thea context may mean that we are to pursue everything that salvation entails.
Our life priorities are to set God as our King/ruler. are to seek the things of God as a priority over the things of the
world. This would include working for God's visible kingdom.
11. In 12:32, Jesus again says, "Do not be afraid." What should we not be afraid of?
- Don't fear people who can harm you (v.4)
- Don't fear not knowing how to respond to persecution (v.11)
- Don't fear not being provided for in life (v.22)
- Finally, don't fear that God is not on your side (v.32). God wants to be good to us.
What message does 12:15-21 offer to a man who thinks he has been cheated? To a person who has abundant material goods? To you?
- It's better to be cheated than to cheat others.
- This does not mean that we don't plan for our future.
- Be generous to others. Always think of eternity.
The command in 12:33 can be shocking. How might it apply to you?
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