Study 39. Luke 18:9-30. 26/10/23

 The earlier parable about the unjust judge taught us to pray with persevering trust even though it seemed that answers were delayed.

This second parable tells us the spirit in which were are to pray.


13. What is wrong with the Pharisee's attitude in prayer (18:11-12)?

Standing is the usual posture for prayer (Mt 6:5, Mk 11:25)
The Jews were only required to fast once, on the Day of Atonement.
What the Pharisee said of himself was true. But there was no sense of sin or humble dependence on God.
'The Pharisee came short of congratulating God on the excellence of his servant, but only just.' (Morris)
‘He glances at God, but contemplates himself’ (Plummer)
- his prayer was completely centred on himself and his achievements.

It is possible for a Christian to think (or pray) like this, but only in the recognition that God has enabled us to please Him.

14. What is good about the tax collector's attitude in prayer (18:13)?

The lifting of eyes to heaven was normal in prayer, but he did not even feel worthy of doing this. Beating the breast is a sign of sorrow. 

He was under great conviction of sin. "God be merciful" is the Greek hilastheti 'be propritated'. He felt he deserved nothing. He humbled himself before God. ' (cf 14:11) He asked for God’s mercy because mercy was the only thing he dared ask for.' (Manson)

To be justified is to be accounted righteous, not made righteous (Latin iustificatus vs. Gk dikaioo)

What can we learn from 18:9-14 about how to relate rightly to God?

We are to come with a sense of our sin, not superiority.
We are to come to God knowing our unworthiness, in humility, not self-pride
We are to seek His forgiveness, not think ourselves already righteous.

Yet we are to balance this awareness with our standing as children of a loving Father, who can come in secure assurance to His throne. This is only possible in the work of Christ on the Cross.
From 9:51 till 18:14 there are no Marcan parallels, until here.
15. In what ways must we be like children in order to be welcome in God's kingdom (18:15-17)?
 'they' were bringing is masculine in Greek, so fathers were probably involved. 
'touch them' is in the sense of 'lay hands' (= bless)
What wrong idea about the kingdom do the disciples show by rebuking the babies' parents?
 The disciples would have thought children distracting and unworthy of their Master's time.w
'Jesus is for those who can understand fully.'
'Jesus is for those who can contribute something back' - material goods, service, testimony
The children are acceptable because of their wholehearted trusting dependence. The kingdom is for those who can offer nothing.
Unless we too have the faith of a child, we cannot enter the Kingdom.
Children are also not concerned with worldly things, the are open to teaching. They 

How do you need to be more childlike toward God? Ask Him to help you become like this.

We are not to worry 
We are to pray 


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