Study 48. Luke 20:41- 21:4

 9. How was it possible that the Messiah was both David's descendant and greater than David? (see Rom 1:3-4)
 The Jews regarded earlier generations as greater and wiser than the present one. David was the ideal king - not to be surpassed. For them, the Messiah, as David's Son (18:38–39; Matt. 21:9) saw the Messiah as someone who would defeat all Israel’s foes and bring in a new kingdom of David.,
Luke is not denying Jesus' Davidic descent (1:27, 32, 69; 2:4; 18:38f.). The Messiah will truly be a descendant of David (2 Sa 7:12-14, Ps 89:4, Is 11:1, 10, Jer 23:5)
But David himself referred to the Messiah as Lord (Ps. 110:1). The Messiah is therefore more than David’s son. He is unique and has greater honour than David.  Jesus challenged the presuppositions of the Jews.

10. Jesus condemned the teachers of the law for certain practices. What character traits did those practices show? (20:46-47)
  •  Desire for public recognition, receiving approval from people. Wanting social prominence
  • Greedy for wealth, even at the expense of the poor and disadvantaged
  • Religious hypocrisy - wanting to look pious. Long prayers with length but no depth.
The long robes the scribes wore (‘flowing robes’, niv) were a sign of distinction and marked the wearers as gentlemen of leisure, for anyone who worked for his living would not be cumbered with such clothing (Morris)
"Greater condemnation" again reminds us of degrees of punishment in hell, and the fact that striving for the wrong things in this life will lead to more problems in the next.

Do any of these traits suggest an attitude or practice you would like to resist in your own life?
11. In contrast to the scribes, who profited as trustees of widow' money (20:47), and in contrast to the other rich people, why did Jesus praise the widow referred to in 21:2?
Compare 2 Corinthians 8:12 to Luke 21:3-4
 The widow gave out of her poverty, not her wealth. Jesus sees what we leave behind, not what we give. 
It is not the absolute amount we give that counts in God's eyes. He sees the motivation behind the gift.
12. Summarise what Jesus reveals about Himself and His opponents through his words and deeds in 19:45-21:4.
Zealous for the sanctity of the Temple. He is the Cornerstone (19:45-48)
Uninterested in explaining Himself to those who didn't really want answers, but who only wanted to discredit Him  (20:1-8) 
He is the 'beloved son' , the most important part of religious truth (20:9-16)
He is wise to attempts to trap Him using nice words, and wise in saying the right thing to confound His opponents (20:19-26)
He has an in-depth understanding of Scripture (20:27-40) 
He looks at the heart of those who give to him (21:1-4)

His opponents
Uncaring about reverence for God. Focused on financial gain  (19:45-48)
Uncaring about truth, only about expediency (20:1-8) 
They are greedy murderers who reject the authority of their God. They will be judged (20:9-16)
They praise with an ulterior motive (20:19-26)
They don't know their Scriptures well  (20:27-40) and had wrong theological ideas
They had wrong ideas of who the Messiah was (20:41-44)
They were greedy, self-centered, proud people who wanted public approval rather than God's approval (20:45-47)


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