Study 49. Luke 21:5-28

1. Some of the disciples' misconceptions about the temple prompt Jesus to teach on the end times (21:5-7). What are those misconceptions?
As they were leaving the temple "one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!”(Mark 13:1).  According to Josephus some of them were as much as 45 cubits (22.5m) long.
The Temple, as a symbol of God's physical presence and glory with His people, was thought to be invincible. Jesus warns that it will be totally destroyed. Whatever we think in this life is stable and permanent in the end proves changeable and temporary.
Why is the warning Jesus gives in 21:8-9 necessary for the disciples?
 There will be imposters and there will be troubles. We are not to be deceived, and we are not to be frightened. There must be endurance, since "the end will not be at once".
3. What instructions and encouragement does Jesus give to those who will be persecuted for proclaiming Him (21:12-19)?
 We will be arrested, persecuted, led before religious and civil (including Gentile) authorities and imprisioned (an indication of certain condemnation). (v.12)
This will be our opportunity to bear witness (v.13)
 We are not to think about how to deal with those situations. God will provide supernatural words and wisdom that His enemies will not withstand or contradict (v.15). We will have the wisdom Jesus Himself displayed.
Even close family and friends will betray us( v.16a)
Some will be killed (v.16b)
We will be hated by all for Christ's sake (v.17)
But our spiritual lives are untouchable.(v.18) God is sovereign.
We must endure to the end (v.19)
4. How should disciples behave in the last crisis, and why (21:28)?
Jesus makes it clear this section (v.20-24) refers to the fate of Jerusalem.
Josephus tells us that 97,000 were taken prisoner throughout the war and 1,100,000 were killed in the siege
The disciples must leave Jerusalem and Judea, and go to the country. Days of vengeance are coming. Jerusalem will be judged. There is no safety and security in what was once the safest place to be.
When we see signs of the end: astronomical, climate change, societal anxiety we are to 'straighten up and raise your heads' (i.e. prepare expectantly for action). Our redemption is near.

Why did Jesus refuse to give unmistakable signs of the end?
 We may be tempted to defer obedience till the end.
He did not know (Mk 13:32)
Rather than dwelling on what precisely is going to happen and when, what should we focus on in light of the end times? (21:12-19, 28, 34-36)
 constant preparation
unshaken by world events
discerning with spiritual claims of people

5. How should the disciples behave when turmoil seems distant (21:34-36)?
We must be self-disciplined with leisure and life's distractions.
We must be ready for action.
We must pray for strength to escape failure and to stand unashamed before Jesus.
Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all has taken place. 33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away (v.32)
"This generation" has been said to be:
1. The generation before the fall of Jerusalem (i.e. it was a type of future events)
2. Jesus was mistaken
3. The 'generation' of Jesus' followers was meant
4. It means 'the Jewish nation'
5. It means 'mankind'
6. It means 'a type of man' e.g. Ps 12:7, 14:5
7. It means 'the entire set of people living in the last days'

6. What most challenges or encourates you in 21:5-36? How does it affect your outlook?



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