Study 52. Luke 22:35-53

1. Explain Jesus' prayer in 22:42. What does it reveal about Him?
Jesus had a human will.
Jesus willingly, freely, consented to death, unlike the sacrifical animals of the OT with no say in the matter. He had a choice.
We, too can choose to be obedient to do the will of the Father when we are faced with difficult choices.

The 'cup' speaks of suffering and God's wrath (cf. Ps. 11:6; Isa. 51:17; Ezek. 23:33)
The custom of the time was to pray standing with the eyes raised to heaven (cf. 18:11, 13), but here Jesus knelt down. He 'fell on his face' (Mt 26:39).
 The word 'agony' (Gk agonia) is found here only in the New Testament. Jesus not only faced death, but the bearing of sin (2 Cor. 5:21) and abandonment by His Father (Mark 14:34). The bloody sweat may or may not be literal.
Luke tells us that he first instructed the disciples to pray, 'that you may not enter into temptation'. This last word may mean temptation to sin, or, as some take it, a time of severe testing, an ordeal. (cf. Mt 6:13).
2. What do the dsciples show about themselves in this scene (22:40, 45-46)
Did Jesus mean 'temptation to sleep'?
They were 'sleeping for sorrow', (‘worn out by grief’ NEB). They were sleepy (Mt 26:43).
His closest followers were sufficiently insensitive to his feelings and to what was happening about them that they slept instead of praying with and for him (Mt 26:36-46). Yet they were being human, and Jesus did not react with anger against them.
He tells them again (v.40) to pray that they may not 'enter into temptation'. There will be further tests and they must pray for the right attitude next time.

3. How do the 11 apostles react when they realize that Jesus is going to be arrested (22:49-50)?
The disciples tried armed resistance. Seeing the trend of events they asked Jesus whether they should use force. One of them (we learn from John 18:10 that it was Peter) did not wait for the question to be answered. He struck out with his sword, though the best he could do was to cut off the ear of the high priest’s slave.(Morris)

 Jesus forbade armed resistance and he went on to demonstrate this by healing the wounded men with a touch. This healing is important. Later Jesus was to tell Pilate that his kingdom is not ‘of this world’ (John 18:36) The healing of the wounded ear made clear Jesus’ concern for peace

4. In the light of Jesus' teaching, what does that reaction show about their characters and their understanding of Jesus (6:27-36; 9:22-27; 22:22-38)
The implication of the question is that:
They did not understand Jesus' call to not resist those who would harm them.
Because Jesus was destined to suffer the disciples must also suffer
They didn't get the rebuke about the swords.

What should they have done then? I think they were normal people who wanted to defend their leader. 
The Christian is not forbidden to engage in self-defense. We are however to desist from aggression and revenge. We should not by inaction permit evil.
5. What character traits and feelings does Jesus show at His arrest (22:47-53)? How could we apply this to our own situations of trial?
He is calm
He does not attack those who betrayed him
He is compassionate
He speaks in his defence and shames his enemies
Compare Luke 22:49-50 with Mark 14:50-52. Do you act like the disciples when your faith is challenged? What should you do?
52–53. If the chief priests were in the garden in person it will indicate the seriousness with which they took the arrest. But Luke may mean no more than that important men in the hierarchy, leading men among the priests, represented the chief priests. The officers of the temple will be the captains of the temple police and the elder lay members of the Sanhedrin. Their age would probably make them of little use in the arrest, but their presence lent dignity and weight to the proceedings. 


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