Study 11. Acts 5:12-42

 10. Peter said that the apostles and the Holy Spirit were both witnesses to Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection, and exaltation (see 5:30-32). The apostles were testifying to these facts through preaching and miracles (see 5:12-16,21). How was the Holy Spirit witnessing to Jesus’ identity?
 The Spirit had been 'given' (v.32) by Jesus to those who obey Him. It was He that was performing all these things through the apostles, witnessing through them.
For Thought and Discussion: What does question 10 tell you about your role and God’s in witnessing about Jesus?
Our role is to tell of what we know of Jesus; the Spiri alone convicts of sin and righteousness and judgment (Jn 16:8)
The human role cannot be accomplished without the Divine role in empowerment in boldness and miracles, or the Divine role in convicting the elect of their need for the truth.

Luke describes how the Jewish rulers were unaware that the apostles had been miraculously freed from prison and were already outside preaching in the temple.

11. Dozens of movements and revolts had arisen and dissolved in the last few decades; what lesson did Gamaliel draw from his two examples (see 5:35-39)?
Actions and plans of men will fail despite their claims, but not those of God. God's plans will never fail. We must not be 'found opposing' Him.(v.39)

There are signs of a more favourable attitude to Jesus on the part of some of the Pharisees in Luke (Luke 7:36; 11:37; 14:1). In none of the Gospels are they directly named in connection with the condemnation of Jesus, and in Acts we find some Pharisees who became Christians (15:5; 23:6); Paul claims that in belief the Pharisees stand closer to the Christians than do the Sadducees (23:6–9), and some of the scribes side with him against the Sadducees who are represented as the real opponents of the Christians (23:9) (Marshall)

Optional Application: Explain in your own words what Peter says about Jesus in 5:31. How is He your Prince and Savior? How can you treat Him like this? 
‘Right hand’ is the position of prominence 
'Leader' is 'Gk archegos' (cf. 3:15 "Author of life"  Heb 2:10, 12:2), carrying the idea of 'founder', 'author', 'pioneer' . authority, guidance, example 

He has given us both spiritual and physical life.
shown us how to be saved through Him even as He has saved us.
He has left us an exemplary life of perseverance in suffering
 - If He is our Prince/Leader, we must follow His direction and example and continue His work
He has redeemed us from our sins by His own blood.
If He is our Saviour our relationship with Him should be filled with gratitude and joy, and love. 
For Thought and Discussion: To whom does God give the Holy Spirit (see 5:29,32)? How is this relevant to us? 
To those who 'obey' Him
This is not only an external obedience of His law rewarded by the giving of the Spirit, since the Spirit works in whomever He wills (Jn 3), but He is provided to those who obey God's call to repentance and trust in Jesus Christ  The evidence of the Spirit's indwelling is then the compliance of an individual to God's law.

For Thought and Discussion: How has God acted to accomplish His ends in 1:1–5:42? 
God promised His Spirit
God has poured out His Spirit with visible 
power and boldness

12. How did the apostles respond to their sufferings (see 5:41-42)?
The apostles  responded with rejoicing, and continued teaching

13. What lessons can we draw from 5:12-42 that are relevant to our lives?
Be ready to go against authority if we are clear of God's voice
Be bold to share the gospel
Be ready to pray for God's power to work
Be ready to suffer for the gospel
Don’t fight against God
Obey God as our Leader 


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