Study 20. Acts 9:1-31,
1. The episode on the Damascus road was a profound learning experience for Saul. What did he learn about … who Jesus is (see 9:4-5,20,22; 22:14)? 9:4-5, "Lord", the one he was persecuting 9: 20,22 "Son of God" 22:14 "the Righteous One" ((cf. Is 53:11) 'threats'. He had been going about saying what he would do to the Christians if they did not cease their activities, namely that he would murder them (although the legality of this is uncertain) what his own mission was going to be (see 9:15-16,20-30; 22:14-16; 26:16-18)? 9:15-16 a chosen instrument of God's to carry His name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel. will suffer much for the name of Christ. There would be witness, at personal cost. He who had once caused Christians to suffer would himself suffer. 9:20-30; proclaimed Jesus, confounding the jews and proving Jesus was the Christ, disputing against the Hellenists. 22:14-16 To know God's will, see and hea...