2 TImothy 3:10-17 Questions 1-3

 Today Winnie led us in the study! Happy birthday, Ms Winnie!

1. Paul makes a series of "but" and "however" statements in 3:9-15. For instance, wicked men will try to cause trouble (3:1-3) but God will frustrate their aims (3:9). He goes on to contrast Timothy with the wicked men. What does Paul say?

But you (you however) (v.10-11).
Timothy has followed Paul's example, unlike the wicked men of vv. 1-9. Paul has shown this by his teaching, conduct, aim in life, faith, patience, love, steadfastness and persecutions and sufferings.vv. 10-17 shift the focus from the godless of v.1-9 to Paul’s example. 

Paul teaches that God rescues us from all our persecutions, while persecution is expected by all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus. Persecution is a hostile rejection of the gospel .

In Antioch,  Paul was driven away from town (Ac 13). In Iconium (Ac 14:1-5) Paul was threatened with stoning, and at Lystra (Timothy's home town, Ac 16:1-2) Paul was actually stoned and left for dead (Ac 14:19-23) Paul taught the disciples in this city "that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God". Jesus warned us that the world will hate us (Jn 15:18ff)  

2 Cor 1:3-7 suggests to us that suffering is valueless unless we experience God’s comfort in the midst of it.Yet when we are comforted by God and experience His love and power in our own suffering, we are then able to share this with others.

But they (v.13)
"Evil people and impostors". "Evil' because of their motives and behaviour detailed in 3:1-9, "impostors" because they pretend to be good. The faithful are persecuted, “while” these people "will go on from bad to worse". They have no hope of salvation. Their inner and outer qualities can only deteriorate. "Deceiving and being deceived": they are self-deceived, and so they deceive others.

 But you (v. 14-15)

Continue in what you have learned and firmly believed. Timothy ‘continues’ while evil me get from ‘bad to worse’.
Knowing from whom you learned it
From childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ. This is the OT Scriptures.
2. What seems to be Paul's overall aim in 3:10-17? 
"TImothy - you must be different. Remember my example and be prepared to suffer for that difference. Your faith is anchored in the Scriptures." "Keep on keeping on"
Paul repeats the word “my”. In 1 Cor 4:16, 11:1 he asks the Corinthians to imitate him. We ultimately imitate God as His children (Eph 5:1) but we also are examples for others (1 Thes 1:6, 2:14)  we need that kind of certainty in our lives that enables us to tell others to follow us. There has to be a certain confidence in the Lord ‘s work our lives.

3. in 3:10-17 , Paul reminds Timothy of two sets of memories from his youth that should sustain him when wicked people plague his ministry. What should Timothy remember?

vv. 10-11 - remember Paul's character and sufferings and God’s deliverance for him.

vv. 14-17 - remember the teaching from Scripture he received as a child, and those who taught it to him.

The message is authenticated by the messenger. We believe those we trust.

Suffering is authentication. It points to the worth of the message as being greater than comfort or life.

(c.f. 2:9 and Eph 4:13 "So I ask you not to lose heart over what I am suffering for you, which is your glory")

What we said about summarizing Chapter 3:1-17 at the beginning of our study of 2 Timothy

3:1-9    "Evildoers in the last days"."Avoid godless people". "Godlessness in the last days". "Difficult times in the last days". "The situation in the last days". "Warning - danger ahead" "The state of the world in the last days". "Beware!" "How to spot a godless person". "Ungodliness of the world".

3:10-17  Equipped by Scripture for suffering. "Continue in learning from the Scripture" "Continue living in the Word" "Use the Word of God" "Scripture is powerful" "Continue in what you have learned and firmly believed in  (v.14) "Remain faithful and live radically for the word" "Follow what has been taught and there will be guaranteed suffering" "Continue in the Scripture"




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