2 Tim 3:10-17. Question 6

 6. Paul also wants Timothy to draw strength from what he has "learned and...become convinced of" (3:14). What is the difference between what you have 'learned' and what you have become 'convinced of'?

Selwyn asked, “what is faith?” Heb 11:1 seems like the textbook answer -“ the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”. The verse speaks of certainty in things we cannot see and things we hope for. Heb 11 speaks of active response to that assurance . Heb 11:6 tells us we need faith to please God, because we need to believe in His existence and His action even though He is invisible. In seeking Him we are longing for the restoration of what was lost , and reconciliation. But seeking can be of God’s face (2 Chr 7:14, Ps 27:4) ,or His kingdom (Mt 6:33)  so all that we do and are must take into account His reality and the reward He gives when we look for His favour. We trust in His reality and His character. Faith also is a gift of God (Eph 2:8-9). James 2:14ff tells us that true faith is always accompanied by works (obedience). It means trusting enough to act.

When challenged as to how faith saves us, the early Reformers distinguished 3 parts in saving faith: "notitia" would refer to what we have gained knowledge or taken note of- equivalent to "learned". "Assensus" would mean that we agree with what we learned or know of. But to be "convinced" (ESV: ‘firmly believed') of something would be "fiducia" - to put our trust in the truth we know and agree to. It is fiducia that constitutes saving faith. The Greek word here (pistoo) comes from the same root as the usual Greek word for 'believe' (pisteuo) The only other place we find the exact word is in 1  Chr 17:14, where God promises to "confirm" David's throne and house.

We also said that conviction comes from experience. Timothy’s faith should be demonstrated by his actions. Rom 10:14-17 teaches us that we believe in our heart and confess with our mouths to be saved  we need the learning as well as the conviction. Faith is based on objective truth  



Selwyn continued his sharing on 21/5/21:
  1. Faith is "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen"
  2. Faith is "trusting dependence/reliance"
  3. Faith is based on truth ("believing that He exists and that he rewards those who seek him" - i.e. God's reality and character. We seek a relationship with God. (Heb 11:6)
  4. Faith is reflected in works (James 2:17)
  5. Faith is a gift (No one can come... unless the Father draw him, Jn 6:44)
' Fiducia' is seated in the heart

Both "having learned" and "being convinced" are equally important. We need objective truth to be convinced of.

Stories of faith in the Bible:
  • Abraham leaving Ur to go to a new land; believing God would raise Isaac from the dead. Faith is obedience.
  • Matt 15:21-28 the Canaanite woman. Faith 
  • Joseph asking the Israelites to bring his bones back to the Promised Land. Faith takes the long view
  • Elijah at Mt Carmel (1 Ki 18). Faith is certain.
  • Gideon and the fleece (Jdg 6:36-40). Faith rests in a gracious God. Like the father of Mark 9:14 (Jesus' healing of a boy with an unclean spirit). aith goes hand in hand with prayer. Gideon was saying, "help my unbelief". We can ask for faith - it is a gift. c.f. the parallel passage in Mat 17:14-20. It is not the quantity of faith that matters. God knows what we need before we ask Him (Mat 6:8). Prayer is to be done according to God's will (Mat 26:39, 42; Jn 5:18, 15:7)
  • Jn 12:42 is a situation where some 'believed' but not in a saving way. Their faith was not manifest in works. (N.B. John never uses the word 'faith' in his gospel. The word 'believe' is used instead, and it can carry different levels of meaning - it is not necessarily saving belief)


  1. To add on, when we "seek God", we should be aware of what we mean by this. Seeking God involves seeking a relationship with Him, to be reconciled with Him (It is agreed, though, that seeking God may also include other things, such as learning more about his Word or obeying Him, but this may also all come under the umbrella of building a relationship with Him). In His good grace God gifted to us a gift of faith that we be able to be reconciled to Him who foreknew us. It is in this relationship that we continue to build trust in, and with, Him and to become more and more convinced of what we have learned.


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