22/7/22. Study 1 Luke (overview)

This gospel is the first half of a 2-volume history of Jesus and the early church. The author is not named. Church tradition gives Luke as the author by mid-second century. The 'we' sections of Acts (16:10-17, 20:5-21:18, 27:1-28:6) assume that the author was a companion of Paul who participated in the events described. Luke is listed in Col 4:14, 2 TIm 4:11, Phm 24. 

The author of the gospel was not an eyewitness (1:2). Col 4:14 tells us that Luke was a physician. His authority to write derives from Paul's apostolic authority.

The gospel is likely dated early AD60s, before the martyrdom of Paul in AD64-67 or Nero's persecuation in AD65 (28:31 ends with the gospel preached 'without hindrance'). At the end of Acts the gospel has reached Rome - the centre of the ancient world.

Both Luke and Acts are addressed to 'Theophilus'. Likely a real person ("most excellent" is the same address Paul uses to address Roman governers in Ac 23:26, 24:2, 26:25).

Luke is characterised by a richness of subgenres: narratives, songs, genealogies, sermons and stories.

Thematically, the Kingdom and the Holy Spirit are prominent. As a Gentile himself, Luke emphasizes that Jesus is Saviour of the world, not only of Jews.

There are many theories of how Luke obtained material. Because of commonalities between the synoptic gospels, some think that both Luke and Matthew used Mark as a common source and added in their own material (e.g. Luke has the most information on Mary).

As we go through the study, let us determine to ask ourselves how we can apply and fully obey the lessons from every passage. paying special attention to the words of Jesus. The use of the Lifechange workbook means that we will need to put in more disciplined work by ourselves prior to each week's cell meeting.


 1. What are your first impressions of Luke's book? What is it about? What overall impression does it give you of Jesus? If you had to pick a single term to describe Luke's gospel, what would it be?

Well-written. 'Formal' in style. 'Long'. 'Meticulous'.  
Jesus is always in control, always certain. Jesus is not afraid to get info trouble. Yet Jesus was compassionate. His coming was prepared for. .

2. Repetition is a clue to the ideas an author wants to stress. What key words or phrases does Luke (or Jesus) use over and over?

'Kingdom of God (e.g. 11:2, 20; 16:16, 17:20-21) is the commonest phrase in Luke, followed by "Son of Man"(Da 7:13) and "Jesus said". "Woe to you" and "blessed are you" are also common.

https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/phrases/book/Luke/type/nasb is a helpful page


3. Look for at least one example of each of the following of Luke's (and Jesus') interests

a. Poverty

  • In Jesus' personal life (2:7 'no place in the inn', 2:24 "two young pigeons" cf. Lev 12:8)
  • In Jesus' teaching (Lk 4:18 'proclaim good news to the poor', 6:20 'blessed are you who are poor')
  • In people Jesus encountered (Lk 21:2 'a poor widow')
b. Women
  • People Jesus encountered (7:36-54 the 'sinner', 8:43-47 'with a discharge of blood')
  • In Jesus' teaching (Lk 31:1, 15:8 in parablres)

c. Prayer 

  • In Jesus' personal life (5:16'withdraw to desolate places and pray')
  • In Jesus' teaching (6:28, pray for those who abuse you 18:1 'pray and not lose heart')
  • In others' lives (Lk 11:1 'Lord teach us to pray')

d. The Holy Spirit

  • In Jesus' personal life (4:1 And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness 10:21 'In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit')
  • In Jesus' teaching (11:13 'how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit')
  • In others' lives (12:12 'for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour')

e. Salvation for the whole world

  • In Jesus' teaching (4:25ff at the synagogue at Nazareth, 15:29 And people will come from east and west, and from north and south, and recline at table in the kingdom of God.')
  • In words about Jesus (2:32 'a light for revelation to the Gentiles', 24:47 'proclaimed in his name to all nations,')
  •  In Jesus' actions (7:1-10 Healings of  centurion's servant, 8:36ff Gerasene demoniac)

 Here is a picture of th e traditional site of Luke's grave in the ancient city of Ephesus.


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