Study 2 Luke. Overview and 1:1-4

 Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us, just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us, it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.(1:1-4)


7. Read 1:1-4 slowly several times, preferably in several translations. What subject does Luke say he is writing about? (Think about what "the things that have been fulfilled(accomplished) among us" are)

Luke's material: The events surrounding Jesus, as well as the promises of God that were fulfilled in Him. Jesus has come, lived died and risen again. He is the Saviour. (cf. Acts 1:1 "all that Jesus began to do and teach"

“Among us” may be an indication of personal experience, making the material more immediate and relevant.


8. What does Luke indentify as his purpose for writing his gospel (1:3-4)?

Luke's approach: careful study/investigation.

Luke's style: 'orderly'

Luke's purpose: certainty in Theophilus about what he had been taught. The implication is that truth is:

  • objective, not subjective - what Luke wants Theophilus to know is what Luke himself knows. This speaks to our post-modern age where spiritual truth is perceived as relative ('what is true for me is different from what is true for you'
  • obtained through careful research, not only through philosophical reasoning
  • leads to 'certainty'. Assurance is based on facts that can be known.
There is the implication of honesty and transparency backed by facts in the gospel message. 'Certainty' does not mean completeness of knowledge, but assurance of truth. This assurance is greater with written rather than oral testimony. Writing, especially orderly, sober writing, solidifies the truth and leads to assurance.

We also need to have certainty about our faith. Assurance of salvation is in view. The Bible does teach assurance and eternal security in Christ.

We shared also that a certain faith is a tested faih.

9. From what you know of Luke's gospel so far, try to summarise in your own words what you think is the purpose of this book.

To show that Jesus is the fulfilment of prophecy, fully human, full of power and authority.


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